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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Multiple error messages and full crash using Navigation Bar

    Made a site of 26 pages - is this too many? What is Xara's limit please?

    Navigation bar came in with all the buttons in one long line of 26 even though the index all pages in the site feature was not selected.

    Tried to put pages where they belong in sub menus. Because you can't drag pages to the submenus, tried to enter first page into the correct submenu then delete the same page from the first nav level. Big crash on deleting the original page in the nav bar, the log for which was just sent to Xara.

    The page recovered itself after clicking the error but now any activity either in the nav bar or on the page returns "Internal program error 2934.k.No.ar". I know - reboot after a crash, but I have been rebooting all morning....

    I am using the latest version and a new laptop with Windows 7 and all its updates.

    This site will have to be made in my previous web program, but please can you let me know whether there is any solution for the myriad crashes because I would prefer to use Xara, I just don't seem able to get it to do the web stuff. In its defence I did a lot of graphics work the other day, hauling around without any incident images and photos which would have choked Photoshop. However, when working in the nitty gritty of the page design itself, with nav bars particularly, I am getting repeated crashes.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Multiple error messages and full crash using Navigation Bar

    26 pages is by no means too many. But deleting the home page sounds like it would be fraught with peril.

    Can you provide more information on your OS version, and what product you are working with?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Multiple error messages and full crash using Navigation Bar

    Hi Gary,

    I didn't delete the home page. I just put sub menu items on a nav bar and then deleted that page from the main nav bar (because there isn't any other way to rearrange pages within submenus or between main and submenus - not as far as I can see).

    I noticed there was yet another update today, which I collected, so perhaps there will be some improvements in stability. I am using Windows 7 and XWDP7.

    Perhaps you could advise. Today I worked as I would normally do in other programs - ie make all the pages and then add items that repeat. But in view of the number of crashes, would you recommend building one page and then copying that, or something. Not quite sure what to do to give the site some chance of success.

    Many thanks.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Multiple error messages and full crash using Navigation Bar

    I cannot think of any reason why this should not work. But then there is always some small glitch that causes you to pull your hair.

    I have frequently deleted pages and instead created sub-menus and never had a problem. So maybe there is some glitch.

    If you can upload the WEB file maybe someone can pin point the problem.



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