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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    London, UK

    Default Mini CMS for Xara Websites

    You need some PHP and MySQL knowledge, but this seems to work:

    Create a table for content in your database. Each row will be for one page. You need a field say 'PageId' (using AUTO_INCREMENT), and then one or more content fields eg Title and Text. Add a couple of rows.

    Then you need a connect script ('connect.php') to access the database and then a second ('cms_include.php') to retrieve a System variable and do the SELECT to get the data.

    Then in the first Xara page put this as the HEAD code:
    <?php require_once('../../../Connections/connect.php');
    $_SESSION[PageId]= 1;
    require_once('cms_include.php'); ?>

    Then in the second Xara page put this as the HEAD code:
    <?php require_once('../../../Connections/connect.php');
    $_SESSION[PageId]= 2;
    require_once('cms_include.php'); ?>

    And on each page add a placeholder for each content field with the HTML Body code like this:

    <p><?php echo $row_rsCMS['Title']; ?></p>

    So this way you can add dynamic content to your Xara-built site without much duplicated code. Hop[e that gives at least one or two of you some ideas...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Mini CMS for Xara Websites

    It sounds like Greek to me Simon, but I am sure it will be useful to people looking to integrate data base info into their site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Mini CMS for Xara Websites

    Say, stlewis.....

    Think it will be possible to have pricing tables updated via an SQL database? I'll be building multiple product pages, and each product has prices based on quantity.

    My goal is to keep all my product info together on my computer in a relational database (Alpha 5 in this case), and when I have need to adjust pricing, I'd love to just do it there, then update the SQL server side database with new results to post in the price tables on each page.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Mini CMS for Xara Websites

    Well, of course no tables in Web Designer, but I need to get the data into the pages. Is your suggestion something that could be incorporated to pull it off (my above post).





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