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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Click to play audio setting

    I want to insert three audio .swf files into my web site so that the audio plays ONLY when I click on the individual play buttons.

    I inserted one .swf audio file on to my page and it auto created the place holder and I re-named the layer "click on play intro." I placed a play button from the design gallery on to my page. In the Mouse-Off group of that button, I then went to the web properties palette, to the link tab, I selected the pop-up layer and chose "play on click intro". When I preview my page, the audio file starts playing as soon as the page comes up. How do I get the audio to play only after I click the button and also stop when I click the button again. Currently, my three audio files all play at the same time when I go to preview. What/where is the setting/step I'm missing? Thanks in advance for your help. I'm using XDP 6.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Click to play audio setting

    Welcome to TalkGraphics dogear

    I think you need to embed an audio player. There have been quite a few posts about this. You can find them if you search the forum for audio players. Also there are quite a number of free and shareware audio players you can find if you search on Google.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: Click to play audio setting

    Thanks for your reply Gary.

    My website, www.dogearaudio.com has had the current audio files play just fine when I built the site using WD over a year ago. 9 months ago I got the Web Design Pro version and I recently tried to update my site with new audio files, however, it's not behaving the same. I am again following the tutorial that Sledger posted, but not getting the same results. When I preview the newest page, the audio starts up as soon as the page is up instead of waiting until I click the play button.

    I'll look at some free audio players. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, I'd love to hear them.






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