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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    South Australia

    Default Can Xara work with CMS / Analytics / Marketing automation systems?

    I have been reviewing different marketing automation systems and many of them work on the basis of having a list of prospects in a database and then mapping those to your website using analytics.
    The concept is like this:
    A visitor to your website has a look around, but you ask them to provide an email address to download a document. Then you link a browser cookie to their CRM details. Over time, as they browse more and more of your site, you get a profile built up of if they are ready to buy.
    I can attach the tracking code on a Xara site OK.
    But, the better systems allow you to ask the user to login each time (or simply type in their email address) to access additional content. This allows you to track the same prospect if they are using different computers to browse.

    Now, I can get this from a system like Hubspot, but I hate using CMS solutions for websites, especially since Xara has spoiled me.

    Does anyone know how we can make a Xara site have various pages enabled only once the user logs in?
    Also, if someone is able to provide me with the services to do this, it would be great, as I simply don't have the time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Portland OR, US

    Default Re: Can Xara work with CMS / Analytics / Marketing automation systems?

    There are numerous bits of software that will manage user logins. These range from simple systems that put a front end on the Apache htaccess function, to more elaborate systems that provide membership management, profiles, etc. A simple system could be installed in front of a folder/directory with your 'locked' files in it. I don't think there is a way to make Xara upload page files to different directories from the same XAR file. But you could put those pages in separate XAR file. Not elegant, but not awful.

    However, knowing that a certain person logged in is not the same as knowing which pages they visited after logging in. I'm sure there are systems that will either set a user code in a cookie, or pass the code from page to page with pgp/jscript/SSI/etc. But I'd have to do some research to find one that fit your needs. If nobody else comes forward with a product, let's talk.




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