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  1. #1

    Question "Unable to find the filter...." error in WD6

    Hi all,

    I recently reinstalled WD6 on a new laptop, and tried both export & previewing, and publishing my site. When I click on the export/preview buttons, I get an "Unable to find the filter to import that file with" error. It's like it doesn't even try to begin exporting - no delay.

    Also, after about 2 tries at it, the program will lock up, and I have to restart it.

    Has anyone had this error, and is there a solution? I am running Win 7, 64-bit.


    apologies in advance in this has been asked before -- I really like the new forum interface but seems to have a harder time searching?? I couldn't get any results close to what I queried for.

  2. #2

    Default Re: "Unable to find the filter...." error in WD6

    Yes you're right, this has come up a number of times and used to be in the Read the FAQs forum.

    Please see here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: "Unable to find the filter...." error in WD6

    Sounds like something is either missing or corrupted.

    Did you install some software after you installed WD6? Sometimes new software will install its own versions of certain shared files. This can happen with library files.

    I would do a clean uninstall, and remove the WD6 folder then do a clean install. This way you should have the current versions of the files Web Designer needs.

    But before you do that, have you installed the latest patches? If not, try that first and if you still have the export filter problem then uninstall and reinstall.

    Let us know how it goes.

  4. #4

    Default Re: "Unable to find the filter...." error in WD6

    Wow!! Thanks for the quite speedy replies. I did install MS Office after that, nothing else that I can think of at the moment. I did not install the patches. Will give the above suggestions a try and report back.

  5. #5

    Default Re: "Unable to find the filter...." error in WD6

    Alright, I've done everything mentioned.
    I am embarrassed and forgot to mention I did install a trial version of Xara Photo and Graphic Designer after WD6. I have since uninstalled it.

    First, I tried updating the program, but I am up to date ( Patch-wise, I'm not exactly sure where to find them, I looked around on Xara and here but didn't see them. ??

    I uninstalled the program completely, and the Xara folder was removed. I restarted the computer, redownloaded the installer and ran it. Same results, I still get the error. One note -- when it reinstalled, it automatically brought up my name and serial # I used for it before, so something was evidently still left behind. I'm not sure how to uninstall any "cleaner"! Also, I used trial mode instead of using another registration up for right now.

    I also ran the debugger, started WD, exported/previewed, clicked OK at the error message, and closed out. I saved the .LOG file, I assume I need to submit a ticket to Xara, Steve?

    I hope that made sense, and hope I'm not missing something real simple.

  6. #6

    Default Re: "Unable to find the filter...." error in WD6

    AHA! It works now, though not really sure why. I had not "ran as administrator" before, and I just now tried that, and VOILA, smooth as butter. I didn't know it would make any difference, as I am already administrator (and only user) on this computer. And that's assuming that was the solution.

    Again, I appreciate the replies!

  7. #7

    Default Re: "Unable to find the filter...." error in WD6

    Quote Originally Posted by meltsner View Post
    I saved the .LOG file, I assume I need to submit a ticket to Xara, Steve?
    Correct, as mentioned in section 8.

    However it seems you have it now sorted - well done




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