Based on this video ( guy is very good), some of the new PS CS5 features are very time saving. However, all in principle are completely doable in Xara/vector software.

My main reason for this post is because I think the new iterative content search algorithm associated with their ‘content aware’ options for filling in gaps/retouching is a really important technological feature that dropped out of academia recently (which Adobe then snapped up) that I predict will make an appearance in future ‘photo feature’ updates to Xara (in 1 or 2 years). Just as traditional content aware scaling of photos was considered important and appeared soon after in Xara, this is bound to too, given its sheer power.

Also, PS's clever, efficient photo content/edge detection when making selections inside photos (e.g. of hair as well as bulk) is a sorely absent photo feature in Xara in my opinion (expanded here in this video I can see Mask mode and other appropriate selection tools being used to achieve complex selections in photos in Xara in the future.

Their puppet motion is essentially just an advanced mould tool on an object (but very nice--and the mould tool would benefit from an upgrade eventually).

Their photo noise reduction features seem to work really well, and I've come across situations where that would be really useful.

HDR seems less of a priority to me, but still very doable in principle in Xara.

As for new AI CS5 features (some demoed in this video, while AI’s new perspective mode could be time saving, what I think would be particularly welcome in Xara is the ability to edit line widths at will (from 2:47 in video, expanded on here In principle, that’s mostly doable using a pressure sensitive tablet, but you can’t flexibly edit line width (asymmetrically) post-drawing yet in Xara.