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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    USA - NJ

    Default Is there any way to create objects from the 'negative space' between lines?

    The posts in talkgraphics have helped tremendously as I am using Xara to develop a map. I usually find the answer to my question already here.

    However, I'm stumped on this one. I would like to create a grid with lines (city streets) and then be able to use the lines to create the individual city blocks as separate objects. So, in a sense, I would like to create objects from the 'negative space' between my lines. (I want to create individual fills for the blocks, etc.) I don't want to just draw rectangles in the places for the blocks, as I'd like the option to change street widths, etc. easily, and then repeat the appropriate process for creating the blocks as objects.

    Is it possible to make objects out of the spaces within a grid of lines?

    Thank you!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is there any way to create objects from the 'negative space' between lines?

    Group then clone your lines (ctrl+K)
    Convert the cloned group to shapes (Arrange>>Convert line to shape)
    Draw a rectangle (or whatever shape you need, do not extend past a line 'end') over the area you want to fill and move back one step (Ctrl+SHIFT+B).
    Select the top cloned line that you just converted to shape then shift+select the rectangle and press CTRL+2 (Subtract shapes)
    This removes the clone and will leave you with shapes that filled the void.

    You will then need to 'Arrange>>Break shapes' if you want each of these to separate into single objects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    USA - NJ

    Default Re: Is there any way to create objects from the 'negative space' between lines?

    Perfect. I had not explored the 'break shapes' command. You solved a big dilemma for me.

    In general, I love the beautiful maps I'm able to make with Xara, and this will get me one step further.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Is there any way to create objects from the 'negative space' between lines?


    I would be inclined to put the shapes on another layer [or layers] - this is optional, but I find it easier as there are 'global operations' that I might want to do on lines only for example, so I can easily lock the all the shapes in one go if they are all on another layer [and vice-versa]

    one way to do that is, after sledgers step one: cut [ctrl+x] the grouped and cloned lines and then paste in place [ctrl+shift+v] onto a new layer, then drag the new layer below the original one in the object gallery and proceed from there

    sorry if this is obvious - but it is worth mentioning as effective use of layers often makes things easier later on..
    Last edited by handrawn; 16 May 2010 at 07:49 AM. Reason: grouped and cloned lines
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    USA - NJ

    Default Re: Is there any way to create objects from the 'negative space' between lines?

    I agree. I think what you're saying is to preserve the original lines (and shape) on separate layers from the new blocks, in case I want to come back to them as separate objects.

    I just saw a post that said that XaraX was 'addictive' - so true! I'll post my map as I get close to finishing to show off and for any tips that members here can offer!





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