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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA



    I just posted a question and it along with your comment was posted all the way at the bottom of the posts.

    I suspect you have to use the sort posts by feature on the very top of the posting area.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    <a href="http://www.gwpriester.com">
    www.gwpriester.com </a>


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Raleigh, NC USA


    Yeah Gary, I wonder if it would be worth sending Chris D. a note asking if they could change the default to newest first. (Seems to make more sense.)

    Roman, I purchased Canvas 5.5 because of their ads and statements that it was powerful enough to be "all things to all people". I bought it when it first came out. Installed it, worked, cussed & screamed, then uninstalled it and went back to using AutoCad & VISIO to draw with. (Arrrrgh) It was a $300 dollar mistake. I found CX 1.5 by searching the web for reviews and user comments. (thanks again to both Garys, Priester & Bouton) Within the day I could actually do something with it. If I was new to graphics and stumbled onto the GraphicsNews comments, I might make that mistake again. All I was trying to do was to get others to post more positive comments than whoever that Canvas knucklehead is, could respond to. (I thought it funny that another Canvas user was apologizing for the endless/thoughtless responses of the guy.) I suppose I could have been a little more tactful with my request for comments.

  3. #13
    Wizaerd Guest


    I posted the apology because I didn't want visitors judging the program or it's user base because of one arrogant ass, who probably isn't a real Canvas user to begin with...

    I use a myriad of programs, Canvas and XaraX included, and see no reason to thrash others for their choice of application.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Raleigh, NC USA


    Wizaerd, I just looked at the Canvas Gallery on your website. There are some very impressive pieces there. Would you post the URL so others can enjoy? Thanks.

  5. #15
    Wizaerd Guest


    My main site is http://www.wizaerd.com

    there's a gallery at http://www.wizaerdsrealm.com/CanvasGallery/ and an interactive art review at http://www.wizaerdsrealm.com/CanvasArtReview/

    there's also a canvas specific site I developed and host at http://www.thecanvasexpert.com with a gallery available at http://www.thecanvasexpert.com/index.php?nPageLink=21




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