I'm sure that the graphics guru's loitering around these parts will think I'm nuts, but opinions are fine.

I've purchased licenses for most of the Xara product line, with upgrades as appropriate, over 10+ years. Quite happy to support a company that has massively superiod products.

Unfortunately, despite having just upgraded to WebDesigner 6, I'm feeling very underwhelmed that WebStyle has been retired because for me it did what it said on the tin, was simple to use to knock up headers etc, and I was a happy bunny.

I keep seeing references to Xtreme Pro, WedDesigner, etc being the replacement for WebStyle. Well it might be for people who have graphics artistry skills - but I'm not among them.

Sure, WebStyle was a little bit cranky in some areas, but it did the business. If I wanted a header bar for a web site it was done in a few clicks. Whereas with WebDesigner (etc) it looks like I have to spend yonks trying to construct a very simple comparison.

Xara have obviously chopped off the upgrade path for WebStyle. Sure it installs (with some persuasion on Windows 7), but I'm really, really disappointed that I'm being hung out to dry and told that the great future is with WebDesigner. It might be for those who want a graphics editor, but some of us numbskulls just want a point-and-click means of getting simple graphics.
