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  1. #111
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by BONES View Post
    What difference does it make? You get the cost of XWD back in your enhanced upgrade discount ....
    Actually, you don't! Regardless of whether you are upgrading XX & XWD or XXP & XWD, you are credited an additional $15. I agree it's not a great deal considering the original $29 outlay only 3 months earlier, for a product they have effectively made obsolete. However, I have quite happily parted with more money.
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    North New Jersey, USA

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Should I feel "taken" by Xara as I just recently purchased Web Designer only to discover that the program is included with Xtreme 5.1 (out just a few weeks later) and that the upgrade discount isn't all that much? Ummm, maybe not.

  3. #113

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by electricartist View Post
    Should I feel "taken" by Xara as I just recently purchased Web Designer only to discover that the program is included with Xtreme 5.1
    I'm obviously hopeless at math;

    Pay full price for Web Designer: $49.00
    Pay upgrade price XWD>>Xtreme 5: $39.00
    Difference from full price Xtreme5 ($89) = $50

    Maybe you want Xtreme Pro?
    OK - upgrade price XWD>>XtremePro 5 : $199
    Difference from full price XtremePro5 ($249): $50

    I might be really stupid, but looks to me that you are getting XWD for free (full $50 rebate) and earning a $1 on top.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by BONES View Post
    why did they have to remove the "Move" button from the Layer[Object] Menu? ..

    the new feature to cut/copy paste whilst retaining layers is great

    however a button to enable us to do the paste all into one layer directly, as before, would be most welcome as I still need to do this quite a lot as well

    BONES - you can reassign the duplicate key in XXP5 to ctrl+D, one of the very first things I did
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Just got round to trying the SVG export, and it appears to be improved
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #116
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    I'm obviously hopeless at math;

    Pay full price for Web Designer: $49.00
    Pay upgrade price XWD>>Xtreme 5: $39.00
    Difference from full price Xtreme5 ($89) = $50

    Maybe you want Xtreme Pro?
    OK - upgrade price XWD>>XtremePro 5 : $199
    Difference from full price XtremePro5 ($249): $50

    I might be really stupid, but looks to me that you are getting XWD for free (full $50 rebate) and earning a $1 on top.
    Ever heard of extra costs. like I have to pay the bank for the transfer?
    Normally I wouldn`t make an issue out of it, but since I was layed off
    at the beginning of the year money is thight. If I had known that WD was in XX5 I would have waited.
    be aware, not to become a ware.

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by ankhor View Post
    If I had known that WD was in XX5 I would have waited.
    Sorry, but that's the way things are. What if I tell you that Xtreme6 will have all the X5 functionality plus a lot more? Would you skip X5 upgrade as well? And X7 will be even better.
    Some times you pay to get something on time. I truly believe that your extra expenses is a reasonable price for getting WD functionality 4 months earlier than othervise.

    Besides, as I had explained before, no one could promise you anything regarding X5 as we can't predict a future.

    Please also note that marketing calculations are very complex and it is possible that if we would release X5 simultaneously with WD (or ensure everyone that X5 will be released soon with all WD functionality), the actual price of the X5 would be higher than it is now. So it's a big question would such scenario be any cheaper for you. But then again, who knows? We can't predict a future, do we?

  8. #118
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Denver, CO

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    IMHO, I think it was a marketing mistake to create and release WD if Xara's intent was to keep the web features in Xtreme. It was also deceptive by omission. Clearly it isn't going to cost any more to upgrade to Xtreme 5 if you purchased WD. That's not the point. The point is that by releasing WD Xara gave the impression that Xtreme 5 may not include the web features and might possibly include something new and exciting, hence all the disgruntled vector tools people. To Xara's credit, you did do some much needed enhancements to Xtreme. But a lot focus on web tools for Xtreme is a mistake. I think Xara has created a dead duck in WD and won't ultimately continue to upgrade it as it's user base won't grow. I think Xara's "marketing calculations" need adjusting. Again, just my opinion, but Xara should have diverged the product lines by moving all the web features into WD and focused Xtreme around vector tools and print. Again, again, this is just my opinion.


    Big Plan Creative - Napoleon had one . . . Einstein had one . . . Do you have one?

  9. #119
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by RedWombat View Post
    I think Xara has created a dead duck in WD and won't ultimately continue to upgrade it as it's user base won't grow.
    Xtreme is not a competitor to WD, even though WD has no unique functionality. As of today, WD is oriented on home users, who don't need advanced graphics functionality, but simply want to easily create their sites. As most of such users are not going to get any profit on using WD, it has to be as cheap as possible. And so it is. Xtreme is in a different price league.
    We always had Webster and Webstyle, WD replaces both and opens new possibilities to new users who would never purchase Xtreme anyway.
    But of course it's new product and only time will tell in what will it grow. Let's wait and see.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Boston, UK

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    I think that there will always be a market for Web Designer, there will be people out there who want a basic, easy, functional website design package and XWD fits the bill. As we have seen, there are some nice little XWD sites out there and some people don't aspire to any more than that... they may never use placeholders or try the more "advanced" possibilities.

    At the moment, XWD and Xtreme both have the same web functionality, for that functionality to diverge, might not be quite so acceptable from a user perspective but as a means of getting people to upgrade to the next level, maybe something that Magix could well look at from the marketing perspective.

    Look's like John made a post whilst I was writing this!
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