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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Adelaide, Australia

    Default Re: Freehand frenzy Challenge

    Thank you morphonius, it was a good idea and exercise to see what could be achieved from a gradual build up of a sketch. Sorry we took over the thread a bit though...that wasn't the intention.

    Bob and the two Steve's - thanks alot guys we got there in the end!
    I've done this sort of thing before in basic drawing classes many years ago...
    Sometimes the instructions aren't so clear, and for a while there Bob I thought your video card was crook because you where seeing jello! lol. I then realised that you didn't want subtle highlights but definate light and shade on the bottle. Ok done!
    Steve j - I can understand that you preferred the one you pointed out in preference to the others as it is more artistic than a graphic image. I think that is what morphonius was hinting at - to let go and try something different to the norm. The one that you liked does have that glass feel about it...so do all the others, they are all variations of what people interperate as glass and it boils down to what you like as an individual. I concider my own work to be somewhere between an illlustrator and artist, I can build an image from my imagination too.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Freehand frenzy Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    but you'll have to do something about the lip strap first
    and you have - the new avatar is lovely
    Nothing lasts forever...



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