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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Unhappy Wacom tablet issue

    Hi –
    I have a Wacom Intuos 3 6x8 tablet.
    It seems to work OK for drawing, etc. But I have a lot of trouble trying to use it on the Internet – esp. yahoo email. Whether I use the pen or mouse, it takes several tries to actually select something.
    Because of this, I have disconnected it and am just using a regular mouse - but I want to use my table!

    If anyone has advice I'd sure appreciate it -
    Is there a way to make it work better with my email (yahoo) so it can be my only device? Or, is there a way to have both this and the regular mouse connected (recognized - it's still physically connected), and make it so that I can switch back and forth easily?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Re: Wacom tablet issue

    I have a Wacom Intuos 3 4x6. I have not experienced any problems with it on the internet.
    Perhaps you need to update the driver? What about the settings?
    You can have both connected. If the mouse is on the tablet you will experience problems when you use the pen. Just keep the mouse away from the tablet (not far).

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wacom tablet issue

    Im kinda in the process of ramping up my wacom pen skills at the moment and i have to say that there is more to it then you would expect...
    using the pen in a program and getting used to this you may expect would give you sufficient skills to totally abandon the mouse....
    not so unfortunately as it seems there is a fair bit more practice required to totally loose the mouse.....As using the pen in a windows environment is a little bit more tricky then just using the pen in an art program ETC....
    Keep practicing i guess.

    i use the pen button to change the tap down action to right mouse,,,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    SC, USA

    Default Re: Wacom tablet issue

    I've really struggled with my Wacom 3 4x6 in my Windows environment. Maybe I just need to practice more.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wacom tablet issue

    I have to admit that although i am getting more confident with the pen...
    Im still reaching for the mouse.... and i dont see that changing (Ever to be honest)...
    I think its too deeply ingrained and you have to admit that the mouse is a ROCK SOLID "platform"... ie because your whole hand is ontop of it and most of your hand is resting on the table top... the movement is Very very well dampened,,,
    Ie the weight of your hand keeps it anchored and not prone to error...

    Where as the pen is alot lighter and hardly dampened at all so that the slightest twitch in your hand would be directly transferred...

    Im having issues with the freehand tool and starting from the last node...(with the pen)

    As a side issue to this post... is it possible to adjust the sensitivity here so that this is easier?

    As with the pen (which uses a "tap down" action in most cases to perform a mouse click or pressing a button on the pen it self...either way actually causes the pen itself to move slightly in the process... and this slight movement is enough often to cause your pointer to move just off a node and cause your current action to fail...) this is my exact issue with the pen generally....

    in fact i would prefer to disable the nib of my pen and use buttons on the keyboard for mouse clicking...(but with keyboard shorts already so prevalent and necessary this is perhaps not very viable.....)
    Perhaps double kick pedals LOL
    we could practice our bass drum moves and mouse clicks at the same time....
    im up for that LOL....

    But as i have often thought (but never been quite game to suggest) i really think a voice recognition system would be awesome to be integrated into a system of programmable macros ETC so you could attatch voice tags like you do with some mobile phones ETC for phone numbers.....except for functions or macros ETC

    I.E all you would have to do is have a record button and a finish button on the keyboard... you would hit record...perform any action then when done hit the end key where the program would prompt you to say (record via a headset) your voice tag for this action...
    you could do this for a few days (you could record as many variations for the same tag as you wished to improve quality)...
    Then once the system was done recording all the voice tags you could simply say what function you wanted.....
    and you wouldnt have to use words you could click your tongue for enter ETC.....
    you would definitely look like a clown when using this but hey... dont let that stop you

    P.s there is also another system of macro/function control i have also considered which is shorthand!
    Ie you would have one key (any key..say the pen button) to put you into "shorthand macro mode" where all the functionality of your program and windows would be temporarily frozen and you would then with one continuous squiggle sketch out a glyph or squiggly line to represent a function....ie you would have a different shorthand squiggle for every function...you could make up your own and they would only work for you! (like your signature)...
    This would be awesome as you could scribble thus a glyph to operate any function in a 15% of the time it takes to get to the menu and back with the mouse...
    I.E it would make using the menus or icons redundant...
    But would take a little training to master...(people would take to it mighty fast....and when up to speed on it they too would be mightly fast)

    And all your voice tags and shorthand sqiggles could be saved in one preferences file which you would keep on a memory stick or something.
    Last edited by morphonius_821; 31 March 2009 at 01:26 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Wacom tablet issue

    as far as the pen goes:

    I use it for drawing and little else, apart from the odd quick menu type click - pen buttons are disabled

    I tend to keep hold of it - the rear of the pen over the base of the thumb and the front between the first two fingers - that way I can use the [non-tablet] mouse for everything else, type [with slight finger restriction], drink a cup of coffee etc without putting the pen down - switching to and from the tablet almost instantly. Does take a bit of real-world-desktop organisation, but works for me....
    Nothing lasts forever...



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