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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    Quote Originally Posted by David O'Neil View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Threads such as these do not arise from a desire for constructive, objective brainstorming or to in someway 'help' Xara plan for their future. They are self-serving attempts to be noticed and to be given special treatment.
    I disagree strongly with your last sentence.
    I also disagree with that statement about self-serving attempts to be noticed. I find it insulting.

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    They often act as fly-paper for others who think similarly which generally drags the board into yet another squabble over who's ideas are better and to regurgitate requests that this board has seen over and over and over again.
    I am distressed at the attitude of many on this forum that their views are the only correct views. I would like to think that this forum is a place for civilized discussion of differing opinions. But, I see lots of constructive comments that other members discount, sometimes abusively. In general, I often get the sense that this is not a very friendly forum.

    If people are not permitted to express their dissatisfaction with certain things, how is Xara ever to know what some of their more staunch supporters think should be improved? I am not saying that forum members are representative of the customer base. But, the members are customers and users and their input should have some value.
    Tom aka Patent Guy (an engineer/patent attorney doing line drawings)

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Box Elder, SD, USA

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    I think xara reads and listens. Only the guy reading the stats knows for sure.
    John Rayner
    For my Photography see:

  3. #33

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    There may well be a reason similar requests are made over and over again, and not always by the same people, often by those new or relatively new to Xtreme.

    Self-serving? I think it is more a plea for some feedback. That is not to say Xara owes it to this board to keep everyone up to date and Covoxer has made some replies, but people like to be informed. There is nothing more frustrating than to be constantly guessing what will happen next and that guessing dragging on and on. This may be unavoidable, but that does not change the fact of it.

    I'm glad to see that there hasn't been the expected "defensive" attacks that such threads so often bring. Obviously almost everyone here is a Xara user and so must like the program, to some extent.

    The fact that threads like this keep popping up, just means that people want more, that's life, people always want more.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Threads such as these do not arise from a desire for constructive, objective brainstorming or to in someway 'help' Xara plan for their future. They are self-serving attempts to be noticed and to be given special treatment.
    Ouch. That was quite a slap.

    Attention seeker looking for special treatment?

    Thanks a bunch.


  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Lynn, MA

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    What would be nice is to have a copy posted (in Alphabetical order) of Xara's current feature wish list. That way, we'd know if something was already on the list and not have to keep asking for it.

    I'm sure some features are harder to implement AND keep the speed that they so rightly brag about.
    ~ DanDaBear ~
    Some people think inside the box, Some people think outside the box, I think about the box

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tomsk, Siberia, Russia

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    I think this thread is just talking about one thing -- some people are confused with latest version(s). And we truly don't have any official info or announces or hints from Xara what we should get in the next version.

    As for me, I'd prefer to hear some info from Charles Moir. I just think it's a time to come here and share Xara's plans with us. Just say they are listening. It would be great to calm some people. As I see there are a lot of not indifferent people to Xara, and it would be great just to talk and to get some info from the official source...

    I'm sure, Charles reads these threads and I guess he just is not ready yet to answer or make some statements. So I'm sure, when he will be ready to say, we will hear.

    Anyway, the best way is to proceed discuss with a friendly and polite atmosphere...

    p.s. sorry for my English
    Lead designer,
    MichelMour LLC

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    Quote Originally Posted by PatentGuy View Post
    But, I see lots of constructive comments that other members discount, sometimes abusively. In general, I often get the sense that this is not a very friendly forum.
    Oh come on now - this is one of the most friendly boards around - as Paul pointed out when he quite rightly rebuked me for an outburst of irritation. What more do you want here, everyone's human [I think]
    Nothing lasts forever...

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    I enjoy working with Xara and I do so everyday.

    But like others, I also expected vector innovations in the new version.

    -Erasing Tranparency type.
    -Stroke Width Editor controls.
    -Paint Bucket.
    -Bitmap Bezier strokes.
    -Bitmap warping tool.

    Vector features added to the existing toolset would definitively help productivity and creation potential.


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    I would say that talkgraphics is certainly one of the friendliest places about. Even a rose has the odd sharp point..

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    London, UK

    Default Re: Is Xara Ltd Reading These Boards?

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Threads such as these do not arise from a desire for constructive, objective brainstorming or to in someway 'help' Xara plan for their future. They are self-serving attempts to be noticed and to be given special treatment. They often act as fly-paper for others who think similarly ...
    I was asking a question, plane and simple. To which I have been given a certain level of answer to - which I am greatful. I don't want special treatment, I just want a few new vector tools to play with. And I've been waiting patiently disappointed since Xara X1 (2004-05-14) for something to materialise.

    It's interesting to see what the Extroodle novelty wear off pretty quickly but it does show one thing, that when people get new tool sets they pay with them.

    As for wanting attention, that's laughable, if I wanted attention then I'd be posting a lot more of my art up here - I would much prefer to be seen and admired for what I produce as apposed to how much I moan and no new vector tools.

    But I reserve my right to peaceful protest about the direction the development is taking and if other wish to way in on that then more power to them. If you don't like that and you are satisfied with the way Xara Xtreme is and is going then I am happy for you - contentment is a good state to be in. But why weigh in your opinions on these threads unless you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion other than 'It's all rosey in the garden' and 'The people voicing their opinions are wrong because it's all rosey in the garden' and 'Look this is the way it is at Xara because I know because Xara can do no wrong, they know their users, because it's all rosey in the garden.'

    I just find that attitude very unconstrutive and doesn't really address the growing disconent that is immerging.

    I don't see the use in making this a political point but I feel that's the way these boards are polarising. Most post are going way off topic and decending into personal attacks and point scoring which I find pointless.

    You should go back and read the original post by me and if you have something constructive to say, say it.

    And MarkMyWords is right ...

    Remember we're all here because we love Xara Xtreme - whether we think it's all rosey in the garden or not. If you disagree just remember that the same person you disagree with has the same sense of happiness when they fire her up first thing in the morning when they turn on there PC and ruefully close her down last thing at night. Just some want to see her flourish and grow in a lovely vector way - the reason why they started this beautiful love affair in the first place.
    Last edited by JokeArtist; 12 June 2008 at 07:34 AM.



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