Downloaded and installed this new 4.0 version:
  1. When I run XXPro4 it tells me that .XAR files and .WEB files are not associated with this version of Xara, and do I want to associate them. I say Yes.
  2. Run XXPro4 again, it says the same thing.
  3. Double click on a .XAR file, and it opens up in the XXPro4 and not XXPro3.2.4 (the only other version I have installed), AND XXPro4, when it starts up, does NOT tell me that .XAR and .WEB files are not associated
  4. Start XXPro4 again, and it tells me .WEB and .XAR files are not associated. This time, I say YES and unckeck the box that says "Always Check"
  5. Now when I start XXPro4, it no longer tells me that .WEB and .XAR files are associated.
This is installed by the same user account that has installed every other version of Xara I've ever installed, and I've never had the problem before. It's curious that if I double clicked on a file and it started XXPro4, I didn't get the warning, but using the shortcut I DID get the warning. Also, why would the association still be there and yet still ask me? And how come when I said "Don't perform this check", THAT it remembered that I did?

Problem somewhat sorted now, but it's weird and didn't happen with the previous download versions.