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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Haarlem / Netherlands

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    Quote Originally Posted by eobet View Post
    Crap, I missed that one!
    Again, Xara may be able to take on Illustrator, but trying to go after InDesign and Photoshop (and, what? SketchUp and Maya now with the 3D too?) as the same time is simply stupid! "You can't satisfy everybody" goes the saying, but isn't that exactly what they're trying to do?
    It is really diffcult to decide what new features to integrate or not. I think the Flash & now export to HTML integration is a nice approach, but not good enough to use seriously. The text 3D is nice, but for a quality 3D render I grab a 3d package like Cinema4D or something.

    In my opinion they should focus on adding easy to integrate features. Like for now, the very high quality image scaling , text underline, more accurate path clipping, font browser, that are the most welcomed features as I read the replies on the new version.

    As I said some time ago, XARA Xtreme needs a interface refresh, not the positions/menu structure but just modern icons or theme support.
    Something Like:


    add a modern professional splash screen (current has a little bit consumer look), finish the apple mac version and your in the biz like never before!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    I reckon its a good job done too Xara Team

    I am very reassured that the product is going in the right direction, commercially.

    And it is a commercial product, it has to be seen in that light.

    We all want our favourite stuff and for the program to go in the precise direction we think it should - but it has to survive.

    I would say that for that very reason it is not at all trying to satisfy everyone, but pitching very specifically.
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  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    South Yorkshire UK

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    Thumbs up to the Xara team for a (potentially) great update to Xara. Typical of me I had not been around much for a few days due to working on some themes for the upcoming release of vBulletin 3.7 and missed the announcement by Charles about v4. Well to cut a long story short I downloaded the beta and within a couple of minutes decided this was a must have upgrade. My bank account says ouch but thanks Xara team.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pordenone, Italy

    Thumbs up Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    Thanks Xara team, good job! New features go in a direction I appreciate.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    What exactly is "path clipping"?

    I checked in help but couldn't find any information.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    Sorry I accidentally lapsed into Adobe's mad techno-gibberish speak there. By path clipping I mean shape intersection. i.e. the Combine Shapes set of operations is now more accurate. You no longer have the very small straight line piece at each intersection, which has annoyed some users.

    (For some unfathomable reason Adobe don't call them simple plain English things like 'lines' and 'shapes', but paths, strokes and other silly stuff. Once you've gone through the Adobe product indoctrination you too can sound clever by using such terms. I should not have done, and apologize. Plain English descriptions are always better.)

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    that is very good news Charles

    This terminology thing is why 'bitmaps' are now 'photos' even if they are hand drawn and no camera was implicated at any stage?

    I will get used to it no doubt
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  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Nuevo Mexico

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    I can confirm this. The combine shapes procedures produces extremely clean results, minimum of nodes needed to retain the shape. Much better than v. 3.2.4 and a much welcomed improvement.

    eobet at least you are consistent in your whining.......
    dead as a vector application...... no I do not think so.
    bloatware....... definitely not.

    I believe this is a signature release. My tests reveal incredible responsiveness, fast on about every level, and I am running Xara in a WinXP virtual machine on a Mac Mini.

    And as for interface I have always run in full screen mode with a stripped down set of menu bars.
    Modern Icons and Themes ????????

    Anyway, thanks Charles and Co. for a great release.


  9. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    Quote Originally Posted by sunland View Post
    Modern Icons and Themes ?
    Yes, I think that's long overdue. Unfortunately I guess it involves more than a few button images - it would probably mean a complete revamp of marketing material and screenshots (maybe that's going to happen anyway).

    Strikes me it could make a great competition for the user community - we have some really talented icon people here.


    [Added: I actually think revamping the interface icons to a more modern look could probably pay for itself - nobody wants to buy software that looks old - we do because we already use it]

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    Keeping the 'classic look' as an UI option I trust

    Themes - aren't they something for people who don't have any work to play with to stop them getting bored Please don't all shout at me at once
    Nothing lasts forever...



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