Quote Originally Posted by eobet View Post
Crap, I missed that one!
Again, Xara may be able to take on Illustrator, but trying to go after InDesign and Photoshop (and, what? SketchUp and Maya now with the 3D too?) as the same time is simply stupid! "You can't satisfy everybody" goes the saying, but isn't that exactly what they're trying to do?
It is really diffcult to decide what new features to integrate or not. I think the Flash & now export to HTML integration is a nice approach, but not good enough to use seriously. The text 3D is nice, but for a quality 3D render I grab a 3d package like Cinema4D or something.

In my opinion they should focus on adding easy to integrate features. Like for now, the very high quality image scaling , text underline, more accurate path clipping, font browser, that are the most welcomed features as I read the replies on the new version.

As I said some time ago, XARA Xtreme needs a interface refresh, not the positions/menu structure but just modern icons or theme support.
Something Like:


add a modern professional splash screen (current has a little bit consumer look), finish the apple mac version and your in the biz like never before!