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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default HELP!! new to xara!!

    Thanks for listening. I have created a design in xara but when i go to export to a jpeg it looses its resolution and i cant print (roland versacamm). I tried playing with various options but still dont get a clear export image...
    any help on this would be appreciated. ty

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North Aurora, Illinois

    Default Re: HELP!! new to xara!!

    I had this same exact problem with my first lessons in Xara. My teacher told me the below information:

    After clicking 'export', naming your file, you get a popup window where you can finalize your image. Under the 'options' tab, move the resolution slider to the right. I have mine set for 96% now for jpgs. Also, under the 'bitmap size' tab, make sure 'minimize visible anti-alaising' is checked.

    Hope that helps. You can always export as a png (practically lossless) and reopen it in a photomanipulation software to save it as a jpg too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Box Elder, SD, USA

    Default Re: HELP!! new to xara!!

    If you are trying to save to print with another software app pic something that is lossless... An uncompressed Tiff or a .bmp would be best... they will be huge files, but they should print best.

    If sending out to a print shop, then I would suggest a tif or a pdf. Check with the printer to find out what they would like to get for the best printing.
    John Rayner
    For my Photography see:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Re: HELP!! new to xara!!


    I successfully print to a Versacamm using either Tiff or PDF formats.

    However, you cannot (as far as I know) contour cut from Xara as oyu cannot set the required name colour which the RIP neds to recognise.

    If anyone knows a way around this (I know it has been asked before) I would like to know.

    In Corel and Illustrator cut lines are created by naming a hairline outline as CutPath or CutContour which the RIP then recognises but I have not been able to do this in Xara.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Box Elder, SD, USA

    Default Re: HELP!! new to xara!!

    hi Phil,

    I do not do any cutting, but you question made me think of the name gallery. Have you tried naming your contour there and then cutting? sledger plays with cutters and he would know much more on this matter.
    John Rayner
    For my Photography see:

  6. #6

    Default Re: HELP!! new to xara!!

    With bitmap art work for the GERBER EDGE thermal printer I use Xara's contour tool to create a cutline which I export as an .ai file. The fill is exported as a RASTER.

    The two files are imported into GERBERS 'Composer' software which recognises the line as the cutline.

    With CorelDraw, it is as Phil says. A cutline is created on a seperate layer.
    Though it isn't our RIP software (RasterlinkPro), which just processes Raster images for the print, for us it is 'Finecut' which plugs into CoredlDraw or Illustrator and sends the cutline info to the plotter after the print (using the registration marks assigned in CorelDraw to keeps things aligned).

    If 'Finecut' plugged into Xara, I would be in heaven

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    N. Ireland

    Default Re: HELP!! new to xara!!

    Quote Originally Posted by phil View Post
    However, you cannot (as far as I know) contour cut from Xara as oyu cannot set the required name colour which the RIP neds to recognise.

    If anyone knows a way around this (I know it has been asked before) I would like to know.
    If you're using Roland Versaworks...
    Step 1. In VersaWorks, double-click the 'A' or 'B' folder icon (top left of screen) or from the top menu > Edit > Queue A Settings.

    Step 2. In the Queue settings dialogue, select 'Cut Controls' on the left.
    Tick the 'Cut all paths' option.

    Step 3. In Xara, draw a shape and add an outline to it in any colour. This outline will not print but it will be cut. The downside is that any outlines you have drawn for printing will be cut instead.

    Export to VersaWorks as a Xara EPS. In VersaWorks your loaded graphic will have a flashing dotted line to show the cut-line.
    James Kelly

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: HELP!! new to xara!!

    Another thing about JPEG. The more compression you add (Xara works kind of backwards here - 100% = 0 compression - 0% = 100 compression) the more the image deteriorates.

    But I have found that a JPEG image at 100% (no compression) actually reproduces fine and creates a smaller file size.

    Also, for printing, 96dpi is wrong. It is Windows screen resolution and is about like 46 lines per inch. Bump the resolution up to about 300dpi when you export your image.

    Finally and Mr. Rayner correctly points out, for print work, TIFF or 24-bit PNG is a better file format. BMP is OK too but getting the resolution is not as easy. You have to specify the size in pixels or in percentages. BMP files are huge but ZIP down to almost nothing.




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