Just a curiosity question concerning bending text. I am in the process of creating a greeting card that looks like an open book. I am attempting to get the text to generally run in a direction that follows the humped shaped that would be presented to the eye if you were reading a real book. Here is the problem. I can use either the brush tool, or the shape editor tool to create a line, convert it to an editable shape and then add text to it. It works great unless you have a lot of text that you want to add such as for example making an entry into a diary. So far the only thing I can come up with is to duplicate the original line as many times as I need to fill a page and then convert each line into an editable shape and then add text to it. As you can imagine, this is tedious at best. Am I missing some secret that will make this easier or am I just going to have to accept the fact that it's going to be a long tedious chore of adding a line, converting it to editable shapes, and then adding text. Any advice would be great appreciated.

Thanks, Manny