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Thread: Latest news

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Latest news

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallis View Post
    i dont need another roxio or (now) nero bloatware, with 1769 functions, that starts to takes cd's to install and load.

    Did I say that I un-installed my Roxio and gained some 400+ Megs on my hard drive.

  2. #32
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    May 2002

    Default Re: Latest news

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    yes you're wright on that one wabbit
    Crazy wabbit always tells it as it is.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA

    Default Re: Latest news

    I would say to speculate too much is just fuiling the fire on issues that don't yet exist. This happens time and time again over at the DAZ forums and just about all 3D communities that i belong to. It creates such speculation, then words fly, the moderator comes in and warns and then everyone goes away and starts it up elsewhere or they are tired of it and let it lie. I say keep an open mind and a positive attitude and if the integrated MAGIX software doesn't suit you then don't use it. Simple as that!! I only use XPE when I have Xara open other than that I use Irfanview's integrated image stuff as that's my viewer of choice. Fast, efficient and small system foot print. BUT I'll give this a chance and I think change is good and it's of course exciting. You can either be jaded and get bent around a pole about what may or may not be coming or you can think postively about it all and wait for it's release and see what's what!

    All the best!

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Latest news

    I just started (along with Behzad) this thread for the discussion over the timeframe that an upgrade must cost money.

    So,put things together
    When reading on the dutchportal of Xara it said;
    "Magix will make a version for the general public and a version for pro's"
    Now it seems like it will be intergrated into magix alone.
    I did use magix products in the past and they put out an upgraded versions of
    any of their products every half year.(?)

    So don't know what the future brings,but need to see what the new features are first.


  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Latest news

    I don't know what to think of this. I'll have to wait and see if it's good or bad

    I'm interested in the improvements mentioned in the Outsider:
    - Improved color line and color handling --> what was wrong with this? Any bugs?
    - Improved fill handling (graduated and bitmap fills) --> what was wrong with this?

    - Improved zoom (via scroll wheel) smoother & faster --> good news
    - Improved import / export filters including RTF, EMF/WMF and more --> good news
    - Copy / paste to / from Microsoft Word includes all style and font information --> also good news

    Adding Magix photo clinic is not a big deal to me so far. If I'd buy Magix Xtreme (with Photo clinic), I imagine I wouldn't use much of Photo clinic. I currently have X1 (with XPE), and I don't use much of XPE either. I just use it sometimes for cropping a picture :shrug:

    This news does not mean that Xara is relieved of their responsibilities to improve their product. Whatever happens, Xara will continue develop Xtreme and future versions.
    Charles Moir has said himself that this takeover will not affect the development of Xtreme very much, or something to that effect

    So in other words, I'm on a wait-and-see status.

    Quote Originally Posted by haakoo View Post
    When reading on the dutchportal of Xara it said;
    "Magix will make a version for the general public and a version for pro's"

    Hi Hans, I couldn't find that info on the Dutch portal. The latest news was from January 31st. Where did you read it?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Latest news

    V: Hoe wordt de toekomst van Xara producten beinvloed door deze overname?

    A: In hoofdlijnen betekent het geen grote verandering. Xara Group Ltd heeft simpelweg nieuwe eigenaren gekregen. Het bedrijf zal blijven functioneren als het tot dusver deed, en zal verder gaan met de ontwikkeling van Xara software.

    Dus het management van het bedrijf, de dagelijkse leiding, het product-ontwerp en de ontwikkelteams blijven ongewijzigd. Echter, Xara zal producten gaan ontwikkelen die zowel onder de MAGIX merknaam als de Xara-merknaam in de markt zullen worden gezet.

    Dus toekomstige versies van Xara Xtreme, bijvoorbeeld, zullen onder de MAGIX merknaam (die met name op de consumentenmarkt is gericht) worden verkocht, terwijl Xara zich zal blijven richten op de meer professionele markt.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Latest news

    Oh right, now I see what you meant. Thanks
    You're right. It's a bit confusing since Xara has suggested that they will be concentrating on the professional users, when the Outsider only mentions Magix Xtreme Photo & Graphic Designer.
    It's too vague and doesn't help in concluding much :S

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Latest news

    The pro is for professionals, am I wrong. Well most professionals have photoshop, so really there is nothing better than photoshop. For pro there is no need for photo editing. They should focus on vector only and improve the exports and imports. My 2 carrots.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Latest news

    MAGIX had also always two different product lines with their music products in the past: The consumer line and a professional line. So, I think, it's the same with "MAGIX Xtreme Foto & Grafik Designer" and "Xara Xtreme Pro".

    I know also the updates/upgrades cycles from MAGIX every 6 months. I think, it's a clever strategy in order to win new customers for a product. But it's not so nice for owners of an old license, because the update prices from MAGIX were too high in the past.

    But in the end, such a product strategy brings money and this is really necessary in order to start the development of new features for Xara Xtreme. A software company can't live from customers, who don't want to upgrade from old versions like Xara X or X1 to Xara Xtreme/Pro and now "MAGIX Xtreme Foto & Grafik Designer".


  10. #40

    Default Re: Latest news

    Well, it's true until we actually see the product and get the word 'from the horses mouth' about future developements, all we can do is speculate and there is no use getting het up over what might be.

    I like XPE, but I do tend to use Photoshop, even for stuff that XPE does well, just out of habit. I will often have Photoshop and Xtreme open at the same time and swap between the two for different functions.

    You have to sympathise with Xara though, all these demands from different sides and none are ever completely satisfied, even those who want the status quo complain if they think things may change LOL!




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