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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sydney, Oz.

    Exclamation Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    Overview Pasting and Exporting WMF, EMF and Xara Pro Objects into MS Word
    Xara Pro (4.01.5601) to word 2007

    Ive had to do some experimenting to get the best print outcome in Word 2007 (used for technical reporting at work).
    To save someone the hassle of working this out - here are some results:

    I need to keep my images in a vector based format to keep the lines and text crisp and clean for technical reports. That leaves out using jpg, png or or any other bitmapped graphics formats.

    Pasting EMF file format
    EMF pro
    Preserves mixed text fonts. For example mixing Symbol and Time new Roman fonts in the same line for electrical representation such as 10 Ohms

    EMF con
    Any text in boxes (for diagrams) gets messed up. The text moves and overruns the end of the box.
    Pasting results in FUZZY IMAGE prints in word

    Pasting WMF file format
    WMF pro
    Text in boxes maintains fidelity from Xara to MS Word.

    WMF con
    Mixed font text gets messed up. Font Symbol plus Times new roman becomes all Symbol font.
    Pasting results in FUZZY IMAGE prints in word

    Importing EMF image into Word
    EMF and WMF Pro
    Importing gives CRISP image and text PRINTS in word

    EMF and WMF Con
    Text in diagram box gets messed up - text spills over end of boxes.

    Pasting XARA object into Word

    Preserves image and text fidelity

    images from Xara printed in word are FUZZY

    SUMMARY for crisp text / vector graphics in word
    Use import EMF or WMF into word for print quality
    Try not to use text in boxes with diagrams created in Xara
    (place text over or under the box to avoid text over-run through end of box in the final diagram in word)

    DONT USE PASTE function (not emf, wmf or Xara object)
    Pasting seems to result in bitmapped prints of vectored objects in Word.
    Last edited by georgerai; 03 October 2008 at 05:18 AM.

  2. #12

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    Good report and tips thanks.

    One question, are you not able to present your reports in PDF format?
    I'm just wondering why 'Word 2007'?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sydney, Oz.

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    If I print out a word document in PDF format - The pdf is simply a PDF printer driver and it faithfully preserves any graphic diagram translation errors - like the text overruns.

    If you mean using or Adobe PDF editor or similar ( does anyone have any recommendations ?), its because I hadn't considered that as an option.
    Are there any good / inexpensive PDF editors around (Fox edit ?)

    Why using Word 2007 (instead of Word 2003 ?) or do you mean a PDF editor ?

    Word 2003 presents some SERIOUS document stability issues when you go beyond about 20 to 30 pages with lots of figures, tables, citations, cross referencing and Table of contents.

    Word gets its knickers in a knot - pictures start jumping around (loses its anchor points), cross referencing has problems, documents freeze etc.

    Word 2007 has corrected most of these problems though it too still has some issues. The product is stable with up to about 70 megs per document.

    I was forced to revert from word 2003 to word 2007 about 1/4 way through writing up a PhD due to document stability issues. Ended up having to split the total document into nine separate word documents with a total of about 450 megs ( I use a lot of pictures).

    I had the same issues with word 2003 with a masters back in 95 but back then I had to live with the document instabilities (nightmarish - I wouldn't even wish MS on my worst neighbour )


    Last edited by georgerai; 03 October 2008 at 05:39 AM.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    Actually what I was wondering was why you are copying from Xara Xtreme into Word at all when Xtreme is equipped and capable of exporting to many PDF standards including PDF/X

    PDF is more widely used for document transport and professional printing than Word 2007.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    I use XXP to design and layout a 4 page weekly publication, and I find it much easier to use than Word. I export to pdf using the commercial printing settings and e-mail it to the printers.

    Instead of pasting your graphics into Word why not paste the text into Xara?
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    But if this is the kind of work the requires headers/footers/referencing/tables/hyperlinks etc etc etc - you are not going to try to use xtreme for that are you - xtreme is not a word processor?

    I think ' ......lots of figures, tables, citations, cross referencing and Table of contents.' gives the clue here
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  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Great Sankey, Warrington, UK

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    I have what might be seen as an extreme view, because I used to work in a print company and would get lots of Word files to deal with and get to a state where they can be printed upon a press, perhaps as a book, booklet or magazine or whatever.
    ....Don't use Word at all for anything!
    For word processing use Notepad or if you're really fussy use Wordpad. For DTP use a DTP program. Optimally use Quark Xpress which was given away FREE here in the UK last year several times with several magazines (v5, very nice, I registered two copies for future expansion of ebbs studio?!?!). Or else try Serif PagePlus v9 for $9.99 which supports Pantone colours and PDF output. Or make the complete pages in Xara like Angelize suggests.
    Now webmaster at Design Reviews
    Design Tzar at Ebbs Studio

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    sure Fred - use a DTP program I'd go with that - but making the pages in xtreme if you need a lot more than just plain text is not on is it? No headers no footers no referencing in the body of the text, no hyperlinking - can't even page number automatically....
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Great Sankey, Warrington, UK

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    To solve the OP's problem it would be useful to know the nature and complexity of the document they wish to produce. Xtreme might be fine for it. But indeed, footers, referencing, hyperlinking, page numbering might be needed (maybe not hyperlinking in a printed doc). Indexing and tables might be needed too!
    Now webmaster at Design Reviews
    Design Tzar at Ebbs Studio

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    Nothing lasts forever...




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