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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    Quote Originally Posted by fredbassett View Post
    For word processing use Notepad ...........
    That's a really loose definition of word processing. Agreed, you can get the text on the computer, but that's about all.
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?


    Word 2007 is clearly and measurably the best document writing software I've heard of—even more so than Latex (although disagreements can be put in a new OT thread, and are usually subjective).

    I'm surprised you don’t use any raster format in Word 2007 docs; at a resolution of 200-300 ppi, you cannot notice any pixelation when printed. I never use W/EMF formats as they are hard to optimise for file size and come with compatibility limitations.

    As for producing PDFs or the superior XPSs from Word docs (although there really isn’t a need if you embed the font and the recipient has the free Word 2007 doc viewer), MS provide a free PDF/XPS exporter that produces very clean and optimised PDF and XPS docs. The free XPS viewer may be required to read XPS files. Another useful download is the free docx compatibility pack which allows docx files to be loaded into older Word versions.

    As for the claim of stability issues with Word 2003/7 for large docs; I also wrote my enormous PhD thesis using Word 2003. It contained several dozen figures and was tens of thousands of words and hundreds of pages long. I never once had the slightest issue, and when I hear stories like this, I'm always inclined (from past experience and observations) to suspect user error or misunderstanding in document production. This may not have been true in your case--I don't know, but I happen to be fortunate to know how to use Word as intended and never ever have any stability or document production issues (version 2003 onwards, earlier versions are another matter). I am seriously considering producing a lot of video tutorials for Word 2007 in the coming months which demonstrate how to use all its great features and how to produce structured documents correctly. Similarly for using EndNote correctly and creating new output styles etc. If you (or anyone else) ever needs advice on how to do something, let me know.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    Our office regularly produces documents for property leases that go over 80 pages (although admittedly they don't contain too many pictures). These have been produced in Word 2000 and more recently in Word 2003. We have NEVER had a stability problem or any other issues with Word. I would suggest that if you are having problems it is probably hardware related not the software.
    Last edited by ss-kalm; 03 October 2008 at 03:23 PM.
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Miami, FL

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    Xhris, like you I did my Ph.D. dissertation in Word 2003. (I finished it just before Word 2007 came out. I had a lot of tables, etc., including a lot of illustrations done in XXP. My printed output was totally acceptable. (I got my piece of paper...LOL) And like you, mine was almost 1,000 pages (more if you count the bibliography, index, table of contents, etc.)

    And I wish I had Word 2007 for it! The upgrades to it are really awesome, not the least is working in XML.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    I still use word 2000 for all my writing - never had a significant problem with it that was not down to me not understanding - sure there are limitations - but thats different.

    My other half has upgraded her laptop to word 2007 for sync with her office job - and like others here I am impressed with it - had illustrator not been a higher priority for me, I would have upgraded too.
    Last edited by handrawn; 04 October 2008 at 08:59 AM. Reason: typo
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  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sydney, Oz.

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?


    Thanks for all the great feedback,


    The PC I work on is quite stable - no other s/w gives me stability issues - so that tends to point to word 2003 as being the problem. Ive moved on and use word 2007. This seems to be relatively stable.


    You mentioned:
    "I'm surprised you don’t use any raster format in Word 2007 docs; at a resolution of 200-300 ppi, you cannot notice any pixelation when printed. I never use W/EMF formats as they are hard to optimise for file size and come with compatibility limitations."

    As I said before when I print bitmaps from word - they definitely look fuzzy - (raster scanned). Thats when Im doing simple cut and pastes XXP to word.
    If there is a way of increasing bitmap resolution - please let me know.
    In particular - the text created in XXp becomes fuzzy

    True that wmf and emf formats have issues maintaining graphic fidelity - things change slightly in mapping across to word.

    As for optimising for file size - I don't think thats really an issue anymore in these days of so cheap hard disk real estate.

    Using XXP as my work base rather than word ?
    Very novel Idea - but on second thoughts - probably wouldn't work - I have to do equations, contents pages (nice to have these auto generated by word), headers, cross referencing etc. Work centres on a fair bit of technical reporting.

    Keep me posted if you end up making video tutorials for word 2007. In particular how to keep the styles minimally populated - with just 3 or 4 header styles, body of text, and titles. The way MS have styles ordered does not seem logical. At least to me.

    Last edited by georgerai; 04 October 2008 at 12:07 PM.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    The reason why images pasted from Xara into Word print funny (look fuzzy) is because they paste as OLE objects and Xara does not support a resolution of more than 96 ppi for these objects (Xara's limitation which should be addressed). What I do is export the figure from Xara as a png or jpg (depending on the figure) at a resolution of 200 to 300 ppi and then import it into Word. I'm guessing you know how to export images in Xara. To correctly import images into Word 2007 (quoting from a tutorial I am writing for some other organisation):

    Figures can be inserted from the Insert tab of the Ribbon by clicking on Picture in the Illustrations group, or by revealing the Developer tab (Microsoft Office Button > Word Options > Show Developer tab in the Ribbon) and clicking the Picture Content Control button in the Controls group.

    Yes, I'll produce videos on creating custom styles (subscribe to my YouTube page and you should automatically get an email when I add anything). They are very useful and not hard to make.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sydney, Oz.

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?


    Many thanks for the tips, on the 96 DPI OLE limitation for Xara pastes. I will experiment with higher resolution export / import jpgs. Yes - no problems with using the word import feature.

    Thanks for the heads up on You Tube tutorials.


  9. #29

    Default Re: Using Xara images in Word?

    I'd also recommend designing the image in Xara at the correct physical size (X cm x Y cm) and export at 200/300 pixels per inch (ppi). Then if after importing into Word the object is not correctly sized, go to the Format tab of the Ribbon, and on the Size group, click the button at the bottom-right corner to bring up the Size dialogue. Then click the Reset button at the bottom of the Size tab to set the object back to 100% (i.e. the physical size you designed it at). This will ensure the correct resolution for printing.




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