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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Miami, FL

    Default Some TrueType Fonts don't load

    I have a number of TrueType fonts, primarily dingbat, which do not show up when I try to use them in Xara Xtreme. I have used thm in MS Word and in other graphic programs (Paint Shop Pro, to be specific) with no problems at all.

    Does anyone know why this might be? A very small number of the fonts that haven't worked in Xtreme do work in X3D, but only a few individual graphics from the font.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New England

    Default Re: Some TrueType Fonts don't load

    This may sound nuts but I am a bit of a font fetishist myself... if you have a large number of fonts in the default font-folder (in My Computer / Control Panel) you may need to REFRESH the folder before they will show up in some applications.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Some TrueType Fonts don't load

    In addition, it would be a very good idea to start using a font manager and store your elective fonts in another location, and activate them only as you need them. ("elective fonts" = fonts that aren't specifically requred in the Fonts folder by Windows or some other app)

    There are a variety of font managers available, free and not free. "Best" is mostly a matter of personal preference.

    For more threads on this subject, search the forum for "font manager". Here's a link to one:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Miami, FL

    Wink Re: Some TrueType Fonts don't load

    Thanks for the suggestions. I just went through my installed fonts, and brutally weeded the number down to a bare minimum...just under 800...and am now getting ready to work on installing and learning to use a font manager.

    Font addiction can be a tragic thing, but I guess it's better than drugs...LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Some TrueType Fonts don't load

    Quote Originally Posted by WolfMoonHP View Post
    Font addiction can be a tragic thing...LOL
    Yes, it can.

    Once you've chosen a font manager, you can deactivate even more. The font manager should show you a sample, so you won't have to keep them all active.

    Theoretically, WinXP allows you to have an unlimited number of fonts installed. But overloading the Fonts folder really does have an impact on your system. I keep the number of active fonts under 200. Other people find they can go as high as 500.

    Plus, a good font manager should allow you to filter the display, and it should enable you to create font groups that you can activate/deactivate with a swipe or a click. A group can be a record of the fonts you used in a given project -- invaluable for swapping in and out even several years later.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New England

    Default Re: Some TrueType Fonts don't load

    I love fonts. Sometimes I go looking for something specific and get carried away for hours. I save them to desktop and after I finally burn out and close my browser it looks like I have tiled zip file wallpaper.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Some TrueType Fonts don't load

    LOL! I'm fond of fonts, too, but I've never been that bad.

    Usually, the typeface is where I start when I'm designing a new project. Get the right font, and it can do half the work for you.




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