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Thread: Changing Colors

  1. #1

    Default Changing Colors

    Okay guys....
    This very dense lady is trying to do the gel tut.
    The movie makes it look very simple. When I try it however, mine is not quite that easy!!

    I'm trying to change the color on the gel button that they have in the file, like they show in the movie....but when I drag a color block onto the color editor, mine does not say button like they show in the movie....and when I move the slider my button color does not change.

    I'm sure I must be overlooking something simple, but darned if I can figure it out.
    It doesn't help that I have no audio on my movies....I've looked at the posts about that but can't figure out my problem. I've reinstalled that codec thing, still no audio.
    When I get home from travel I'll reinstall from my CD's and perhaps that will fix it. I did install the update to the program.

    Thanks for any help...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Changing Colors

    I suspect they have named the color and are editing the named color.

    See Workbook 43 - Editing Named Colors

    And see Workbook 4 - Creating a GEL Capsule Effect .


  3. #3

    Default Re: Changing Colors

    Been there. I don't have time to explain now so maybe some else can handle it, much better than I ever would. But when you create a colour you have give it a name, and the other items you colour have to be a shade of the *named* colour and when you want to change all the colours using the colour box you have to pick that named colour before moving the slide bar. Open the clip art, open options and click find and type mini and keep going till you get to the blue mini. With that open, open your colour chart, up on top where it says current colour.....probably black.....click there and an option box opens up. Look for the "colour of car", select and now you can change the colour of the whole car. I love this effect, and it is because all the colours are a shade of the "colour of car" blue as far as I understand. It is all done in the colour box..start to finish. The two movies to watch are naming your own colours and using tints and I agree it would be easier with sound but watch them again and again and it will come. Play with the mini also, you'll really get off on changing the colours with the slide bar and then going into the colour box just above the slide bar and dragging the selector around creating any colour you want. Magic, totally magic

  4. #4

    Default Re: Changing Colors

    Thanks so much....I'll check the workbooks recommended and give the directions a try....appreciate it.




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