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  1. #31

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX

    the only menu i have is the menu of the terminal. the terminal where i type ./XaraLX keep in front of the screen always. Even by switching windows with F9. So i only have the menu of the terminal ( file-> new shell ..... ).

    All the icon are no sensitive. They are visible for most of them with no grey color. Here is the screenshot :

  2. #32

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX

    Does the Xara LX window not come to front if you click on it's title bar?

  3. #33

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX

    Actually, it may not. I am using Jaguar at present, and I don't have a Jaguar Xara LX to try; but thinking about it, the Terminal application may hang on to the Menu bar (as maybe you imply). If you have the enthusiasm you may want to try with iTerm which I use, or with some other way of launching the BSD executable.

    Otherwise we move on the the step of making the double-clickable Application bundle, XaraLX.app .


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX


    Your time has not been wasted - you are very nearly there! (But please don't expect too much from Xara LX at the moment - it's not fully working yet and the interface on Mac OS X is still a bit clunky.)

    You just need to make a "bundle" to put your executable in. Do this on the command line:
    cd to the XaraLX folder
    mkdir -p XaraLX.app/Contents/MacOS
    cp XaraLX XaraLX.app/Contents/MacOS

    Then to run the program:
    open XaraLX.app


  5. #35

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX

    ok i made a bundle of the app as you said Phil. It seems better.
    I now have the menu on the topbar.
    But nothing works. When i mouve the muse on the top toolbar or the left one or on the menu i have an alert box with an error like that :

    Bad Gadget ID -204([Resource string not found]) passed, File dlgmgr.cpp, Line 2117
    No=Abort, Yes=Debug, Cancel=Continue

    So there is something wrong in there and i don't undersatnd what. I'm going to look the dlgmgr.cpp file but since the compilation ran well....

  6. #36

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX

    i pass trough this bu by typing [CTRL + N]
    A alert box appears with another error but it opens a new document too.
    NodeGridRect::SetGridParams() - GridSpacing < 1!,
    File grid.cpp, Line 1580

    Now i can select the pen tool. i traced a path, always with alert box error :

    assert "m_rawAccessCount == 0" failed.

    each time the mouve move on the toolbar i have an alertbox and it is the same when i chose a tool or trace something

    Only tracing with the pentool work. If i want to draw shape the application quit. It is the same if i want to resize a shape. each time, when using another thing than the pen tool, i click on the background and move the mouse it crashed ( like tracing a rectangle )

    Did i make something wrong or the program is in a too earlier stage ?

    Last edited by Pekele; 28 March 2006 at 10:52 AM.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX

    Hi Pekele,

    I don't think you've missed anything, I think that is the current state of the program on Mac OS X.

    It used to be more stable than it currently is but recent changes for the Linux version and the upgrade from wxWidgets 2.6.2 to 2.6.3 seem to have destabilised it.

    I wish I could fix it for you but during the day I'm working on the Linux version, my old Mac is dead and my new Mac hasn't arrived yet. I should be able to do some work on it next week but until then if you can track down any of the problems you have mentioned we would welcome your contribution!


  8. #38

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX

    I will do my best to report all the bugs going on and all the errors.
    Shall i post them here or send them in a email ?

    Don't hesitate to send me further release i will test it.
    I hope you will have your mac soon

  9. #39

    Default Re: Compiling XaraLx on MacosX

    There is a new section in the Xara Xtreme site, http://www.xaraxtreme.org/developers/participate.html, which may be of some interest.

    Speaking personally, I would prefer it if your reports were in some sort of priority order filed with http://bugzilla.xara.com/ so that discussions can be targetted and patches made.





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