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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Houston, TX, US


    The site is beautiful.

    But, most of the fonts are just too small.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    OK call me stupid.

    I was waiting on the home page for something to happen. Even though the Flash and non Flash were clearly marked, I was waiting and waiting and waiting.

    Then after reading all the rave reviews I revisited the site. AND pressed the Flash button.

    The rollover button innovation is really imaginative and creative. (If you missed this, go to the home page that loads after the intro, for each main section, Corporate Profile, for example. As you mouse over the word from left to right, the subsections appear in a small window to the right of the title). Very innovative and very cool!)

    I did get a little tired of the music loop. I would fade it after 60 seconds.

    Wow. Great multi-media site and great design. I just wish Ross Junior were around to be inspired.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    <A HREF="http://home.earthlink.net/~garypriester" TARGET=_blank>
    Be it ever so humble...</A>

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Great site...I really like a LOT of things you did with it. I did see a typo? though that you may want to fix...

    On your Stereoscopic 3D page the Projection paragraph says "We have developed special rigs to house TO duel projection system" - ?? couldn't figure out that sentence...

    Great site!
    Robert Steflik
    ASUS Laptop / Windows 10 ---- Xara Designer Pro X11 ---- Xara owner since version 1.0

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA


    What I meant to say was that all of the vector graphics were created in Xara not Flash, otherwise I wouldn't have posted the site here. Thanks for all the kudos too! Yeah it takes a fairly fast connection to get there and it's a little processor heavy. It took a couple of months to build the site I also must say I had a real good programmer doing most of the difficult Actionscripting.


  5. #15


    Looks great in IE - but when I load it in Netscape it is running in a square about 50 pixels wide by 40 high in the centre of the screen. Very odd.

    I'm using the Flash 5 plugin in both browsers.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA


    Sorry it took a while to get back on this. Thanks a lot to everyone who took time to visit and check out the site. Here are some answers and replies to some of your posts.

    Well worth the short wait. Cable modem, not too long at all. Slick, powerful, and professional.
    I too would like to know how you did it.

    >> I used Xara to create all the graphics basically, coming up with the ideas on how everything would animate was probably the most difficult and time consuming part. Some of the things we wanted to do had to be taken out in the end for example the pyramid on the front page was rotating in 3D but I had to take it off because it was taking to much processor. It was really a team effort between myself and the programmer and another person who did some of the smaller animations, and the gallery.

    Overall I was quite impressed with it all but I do think you really-really need to slow down the timing of some of the effects. Many go so fast it feels like it is a flashing strobe lights. The strobe effect seems to happen too because many of these fast 'slide show' like sequences seem to have white transitional graphics in them. It is too fast for what you are seeing to register.

    >>>Yeah, I have heard that from others as well. It's a toss up between trying to do the MTV style in your face graphics that basically give you a seizure and doing something more subtle. The goal was to try and create energy with the flash animation so we leaned a bit more that direction.

    I forgot to say - Those flashed quickshapes in the intro are sweeeet!!!

    >>>Good, I'm glad someone noticed. Probably the one thing on the site that is truly original that I haven't seen done before in Flash.

    The site is beautiful.
    But, most of the fonts are just too small.
    >>>Yep, we are working on that. I noticed that Flash has a hard time using text in a scroller it gets slow. However if you use dynamic text like in (www.crashmedia.com) news window it seems to handle a large amount of text well. We tried using pixelfonts and they are smaller, but they are crisper, but you have to place them exactly right on a pixel so it doesn't work with scrolling windows.

    OK call me stupid.
    I was waiting on the home page for something to happen. Even though the Flash and non Flash were clearly marked, I was waiting and waiting and waiting.

    Then after reading all the rave reviews I revisited the site. AND pressed the Flash button.

    The rollover button innovation is really imaginative and creative. (If you missed this, go to the home page that loads after the intro, for each main section, Corporate Profile, for example. As you mouse over the word from left to right, the subsections appear in a small window to the right of the title). Very innovative and very cool!)

    >>>Thanks, I was trying to figure out something that would work that way so that you could virtually see what was in every subsection without having to go there first.

    I did get a little tired of the music loop. I would fade it after 60 seconds.

    >>>You can turn off the music by pulling out the slider bar at the bottom right of the page.

    Wow. Great multi-media site and great design. I just wish Ross Junior were around to be inspired.


    >>>Thankyou, very much sir.

    Great site...I really like a LOT of things you did with it. I did see a typo? though that you may want to fix...

    Thanks, I really appreciate you pointing it out. I'll get it fixed.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Pensacola, Florida, USA


    That was just too cool for words.....Where did Ross Junior go?




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