We're kinda beat over here tonight---I'll post you one with blending tomorrow if that's ok???!!!
I'll try to show the steps...but for now try feathering parts and see if you can soften the edges of the colors a bit more. Experiment with a few feathered flat transparency overlayers---it sure is great to have the ability to "undo" anything too, isn't it! I love this feature!

Talk to ya later!!!
---As The Crow Flies!---
P.S. Check your file size...I think they have set a limit and prefer files under 80KB--preferably 30 to 50 KB if you can manage it...try one...also I'm assuming you post your attachments by going to scroll below the message body of your post to the left hand top choice box which asks if you want to post an attachment..."then" scroll back to the message body and click the post message button...which waits a bit and then gives you two boxes to fill--first type in a title for the image, then in the box below just click the browse button and browse to your folder and art file, then click upload attachment and it will do so after a bit and return you to the forum and show your post.

[This message was edited by Crow Haven on June 01, 2002 at 21:35.]