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Thread: Xara E-Group

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA


    If anyone want's to subscribe to a ne E-mail list I have started it's


    It seems that every other time I try to connect to I/US I get the message that forums are unnavailable so if you are having the same problems and want to talk about Xara then subscribe here. I have nothing against I/US but apparantly they are having problems keeping up with the amount of users that are trying to log on. I am the moderater but any who would like to be will be welcome. I am just the instigator. I suggest Gary but don't know if he wants to.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA


    If anyone want's to subscribe to a ne E-mail list I have started it's


    It seems that every other time I try to connect to I/US I get the message that forums are unnavailable so if you are having the same problems and want to talk about Xara then subscribe here. I have nothing against I/US but apparantly they are having problems keeping up with the amount of users that are trying to log on. I am the moderater but any who would like to be will be welcome. I am just the instigator. I suggest Gary but don't know if he wants to.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    I have the same problems that you all do. It's just that when I can't log on to the conference, it gives me time to do something else that needs to be done

    Like go out on the deck and see the sun come up. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif[/img]


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    Be It Every So Humble...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    berrien springs mich. U.S.A


    That's what I did this morning, not because I couldn't log on to I-us but because I like nature and it provides a good balance.

    I had a booth at a tradeshow once when someone came onto my booth and started soliciting my customers.........I also had a competitor hand out his cards to my customers at my store.... I'm sure they were just trying to help me.....


  5. #5



    I'd just like to set the record straight on performance issues around the i/us forums. These are remotely hosted for us by Infopop, so the recent availability problems have had nothing to do with not being to keep up with the traffic. They have hundreds of clients beyond i/us.

    Infopop has acknowledged the problems and has been working to make the forums faster and more stable. I'm confident they will continue to improve.

    All the best

    >I have nothing against I/US but apparantly they are having problems keeping up with the amount of users that are trying to log on.

    <font color=green>Chris Dickman</font>




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