I was told to post this on Xara, but was told that I most likely won't get help. The reason given it that most of you create your graphics form scratch. With that said here is my problem:
I'm having trouble getting my navbar to work using Web Style. I using FrontPage 2002. I think I'm doing this right. Correct me where I go wrong:
1. I have my web page up (ex index.htm)
2. I go to Insert on my menu bar on FrontPage,then I go to Xara web style. Then I click NavBar.
3. Webstyle comes up
4. From that menu I click Navbar.
5. The screen comes with Navbar states, buttons,button URL, button target.
6. In the buttons section I select Home Page
7. In the button URL I put index.htm
8. In the button Target I put _self
9. I do this to all the buttons (using the different names & URL's)
10. Then I click Save
11. Next screen comes up
12. I click Gif, high quality & save graphic
13. Next screen comes up
14. I asks for a NavBar name, I put church
15. The screen that shows my NB is big and it overlaps some of the other screens on the page??
16. One screen shows the files that will be created or updated when you use this Navbar
17. In the save in widow I choose Images
18. I then click Save & Exit
19. My Navbar is now on my Home Page
20. When I go to the previes mode (FrontPage), I get the message at the top of the page saying "This page contains elements that may need to be saved or published to preview correctly"
21. If I select a different button (ex. Service times), I get a "Page cannot be displayed" message
I hope this is clear, again please correct me if you see where I went wrong. I hope someone knows, but if not I'll give it a try at making a navbar form scratch.