I'm beginning to tear my hair out here! What I thought was a really cool feature when I first heard of it, has got me completely confused!

Is it possible to create new stroke shapes/ pressure profiles in XaraX?

Are these profiles supposed to work with pressure-sensitive graphics tablets? It looks as if brushes either have pressure sensitivity if the parallel line (constant) is selected, or the preset profile if that's selected- but not both.

Finally, is the following a bug? I am talking about the pencil tool (normal line), not about using brushes here:

After I use a profile and reset the default to a simple line ("constant"), the tool often keeps reverting to the last profile each time I draw a new line, even though I keep changing it back. Only shift-ctrl-A works- but sometimes that will crash the program! (access violation)

Also suppose I select all the lines and remove the profile, replacing it with a simple 1 point line. So in theory at this point I have a parallel line round my object. If I give the object a line width of none, then later apply a 1 point line width, the profile will reappear even if my default is the "constant" profile.

Sorry I am trying so hard to be clear that I'm even boring myself- and I still don't think it's very clear. Any info about profiles- or pointers to other threads- would be really welcome!
