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  1. Replies

    Re: Xara Xtreme and Xara Xtreme Pro 5.1.2 update

    Well, I for one am not a great fan of online updates.
    I prefer to have my updates close at hand.

    So I used SysInternals Process Monitor to watch the Xara update process and secure a copy of the...
  2. Replies

    Re: Simulate print colours by default

    Thanks, Sledger
  3. Replies

    Re: Simulate print colours by default

    Sledger, I can't seem to make that work.
    I found the Button Palette alright, but how can I add (drag?) this icon to the standard toolbar?

  4. Replies

    Simulate print colours by default

    Is there a way to enable simulate print colours by default, that is: as a program startup setting?

  5. Re: Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???

    Well Alex,
    I think you just found the source AND the solution to our little problem. Tops!
    It'd appear to me as a trivial thing to take up in a next upcoming patch update from Xara.

  6. Re: Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???

    Very interesting indeed.
    I've made Xara Support aware of your findings.
  7. Re: Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???

    Good point and definitely worth remembering.
    But we're talking about simple box shapes with some text floating above.

    Though I cannot check this myself, I don't believe that my printer is...
  8. Re: Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???

    Yep Albacore,

    You remember correctly that text and the underlying colored boxes are on the same layer.
    Do I understand it correctly that you suggest that I move my text to a separate layer?
  9. Re: Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???

    Well guys,
    don't get all flamed up about this. ;)

    I have an update here, but I'm afraid it's not a good one.
    I disabled the "Print options - Always Overprint Black"
    And I made sure to enable...
  10. Re: Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???

    Thank you for this remark Steve,

    I've had so much trouble delivering this 20-page brochure file the last couple of days, that I'm sure I've lost all credibility within my organization, as well as...
  11. Re: Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???


    My problem is that there appears to be no way that I can test or review this before sending the next PDF version to the Printer's.
    I've made a small test file with three copies of colored...
  12. Re: Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???

    Thanks for your help Luciano,

    The 100% K - in fact CMYK (0,0,0,100) - was one of today's hard lessons.
    It took me three PDF shipments to the Printer's before it became clear to me that 100% on de...
  13. Print options - Imagesetting - overprinting ???


    I'm confused by mixed messages coming from the XXP documentation and the feedback I'm receiving from the people at the printer's.

    First the people at the printer's instructed me to make...
  14. Re: Help! Hires PDF export inverts bitmap graphics


    I'm not a PDF expert. I just stumble over them every now and again :)

    I just did some experiments with PDFCreator and doPDF.
    Both produced significantly smaller PDF's in the same range...
  15. Re: Help! Hires PDF export inverts bitmap graphics

    Mine was produced at 300dpi and with no bitmap compression
    The difference between the 70-odd MB and my 83MB could lie in the fact that mine included the bleed (incl. some page overflow bitmaps) and...
  16. Re: Help! Hires PDF export inverts bitmap graphics


    Thank you all for your support, in particular thosw who have gone to the trouble of generating PDF's for me through various inventive ways.

    I think the issue IS related to memory...
  17. Re: Help! Hires PDF export inverts bitmap graphics


    Thanks for the offer, but just hold off for the moment.
    1. I'm in contact with Xara Support about this issue
    2. One of my many attempts at home (WinXP + XXP4 + various PDF/X export...
  18. Re: Help! Hires PDF export inverts bitmap graphics


    Thanks for the quick response.

    The problem seems to be related to memory indeed.
    If I do an export in 150DPI, then less graphics are affected.
    If I do an export in 96DPI, then the export...
  19. Help! HiRes PDF export inverts bitmap graphics


    I'm having a major problem with the 20-page brochure I'm now trying to get ready for the printer.
    When I do the export to PDF/X (300DPI, no compression) then bitmap graphics get inverted in...
  20. Replies

    Re: Find where particular font is used


    At first I did not understand, but then I concluded that this works on a per-page basis. So, stepping through the document with the Names Gallery open, I was soon enough presented with...
  21. Replies

    Find where particular font is used


    I'm at the point of finalizing my 20 page brochure in XXP 3.24 and the document info tells me that I've been using the Arial Narrow font somewhere.
    As I was not supposed to, I'd like to know...
  22. Replies

    Re: Replication of guides over other pages

    Thanks Gary,

    Another great tip from the master.

  23. Replies

    Replication of guides over other pages


    Imagine the following situation:
    You're designing a multiple page document (brochure), which you start off with a basic set of well-thought-through guides.
    By using Edit - Pages -...
  24. Replies

    Re: shift+drag from webpage to Xara

    Good find!

    Here's my take on the situation:
    - Windows 2000-SP4
    - Xara Xtreme Pro 3.24
    - Firefox

    Shift-drag from FF2 straight into Xtreme Pro 3.24 leads to the "file empty" warning ...
  25. Replies

    Don't show this again

    I continue to use my XXP 3.24 for an old project and I am getting a bit tired of the promotional upgrade message every time I start Xara.
    There is no point in checking the "Don't show this message...
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