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  1. Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Ok, one final note, because I want the discussions here to be constructive:

    You can't just say "it's better for me" without providing an example, otherwise you aren't adding anything to the...
  2. Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    I've been using Xara X for I don't know how long, but I guess it started around when Windows XP was released and I wanted to do these nice new drawn-with-vector icons. I was introduced to Xara X by a...
  3. Replies

    Re: Still no word on a OS X version?

    Please don't make ignorant jabs about OS X.

    Also, there was a version of Xara under development for OS X. It was talked about, by the developers on this forum, and if you search, I bet you can...
  4. Replies

    Still no word on a OS X version?

    I haven't visited in a long while and I don't see anything regarding it. Is it completely dead now?
  5. Thread: Wire Mesh

    by eobet

    Re: Wire Mesh

    Imo, the video shows how bloody amazing the mesh tool is! :p

    (It also shows how bloody stupid Illustrator's node editing tools are, but that's another separate story.)
  6. Re: No Synthetic BOLD in Extreme Pro - I need two Xara versions!

    -strike my post... misread-
  7. Replies

    Re: Tired of Xara running on virtual machine

    The transparency in Illustrator isn't "simple", because you can create way more complex stuff using it, than what you can (simply/easily) accomplish in Xara. However, once you get familiar with the...
  8. Replies

    Re: Tired of Xara running on virtual machine

    If you're going to avoid the heavy hitters like InkScape (granted, currently cripped by X11) and Illustrator, why not give them ALL a try:
  9. Replies

    Re: Tired of Xara running on virtual machine

    I run Xara in Fusion these days, and it runs fine.

    I wonder which will be released first. A native Xara or a native InkScape...



    PS. There's a new guy at...
  10. Replies

    Re: Xtreme 4 - another update

    Weird. From the opening post, it seemed to only relate to that new alignment features...

    Also, wouldn't that feature be made obsolete if you could place lines inside of objects?

    Anyway, so how...
  11. Replies

    Re: Xtreme 4 - another update

    Sorry to be a stick in the mud (again), but when I saw the scale line width options, I thought we finally was going to see:

    * Ability to scale objects but retain line width

    And with that,...
  12. Re: Since when has increasing size made the preview blurry?

    Thank you for the information. I've disabled the cache options.
  13. Replies

    Re: Fill Gallery needs fixed (ver 4)

    Oh, I almost thought they added a gradient fill gallery when I read this topic, but it's just the same old bitmap fill gallery, right?

    They haven't added any way to save gradient fills?
  14. Re: Since when has increasing size made the preview blurry?

    In Xara 1 all resizes are completely sharp as they should be in an object based editing application.

    Since nothing has happened with the obejct rendering in Xara in the last five years (yeah,...
  15. Since when has increasing size made the preview blurry?

    I've oddly enough never noticed this before (I'm a Xara 1.0d user most of the time), but when trying out the new version 4, and resizing up an image, I was presented with this blurry mess before I...
  16. Replies

    Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    Crap, I missed that one!

    Is it possible to get this feature without the bloat?

    Will there be a Xara 4 Pro LITE or something?

    Again, Xara may be able to take on Illustrator, but trying to go...
  17. Replies

    Re: Xara Xtreme verison 4

    So that's that, then.

    Xara, as a vector editing application is dead.

    What exists now is a messy bloatware of photo and DTP mish-mash.

    Good thing InkScape is on the move and there's a few new...
  18. Replies

    Re: Is Xara Ltd not only lost, but also lazy?

    Yes, I am very direct in my writing style, and I keep having to apologize for it, it seems.

    I find it interesting though, that this thread is full of defence of Xara, while the other ("mature")...
  19. Replies

    Re: Is Xara Ltd not only lost, but also lazy?

    Yes, and I'm one of them. :p

    The key word here, is "one or two"... ;)
  20. Replies

    Is Xara Ltd not only lost, but also lazy?

    Hmm... just after I had written the headline, I'm beginning to rethink it.

    Let me explain:

    Here's how I motivate lost... to me, Xara Ltd seems lost because instead of updating the now stale...
  21. Re: Switching/altering multiple colors/hues in a group of objects?

    Awesome workaround!

    That's exactly what I wanted!

    Big thanks, man! :)
  22. Re: Switching/altering multiple colors/hues in a group of objects?

    Ah, there's the answer then? Xara doesn't support anything I asked about in this thread, I have to do it all manually, each individual color, each individual gradient point...

    Thanks for the...
  23. Re: Switching/altering multiple colors/hues in a group of objects?

    Having the object I wish to change the color on selected first, I presume?

    That turned the entire object into that color, removing all my gradients, and I have quite a lot of them, and would like...
  24. Re: Switching/altering multiple colors/hues in a group of objects?

    Ok, so I've named every color in my object, cloned it a couple of times, and now I wish to turn one of the cloned objects into green, but have the others remain red.

    How do I accomplish this,...
  25. Switching/altering multiple colors/hues in a group of objects?

    Let's say I have a group with three of four shades of a color (really three of four different colors, as I haven't used any features beyond the color palette to get them).

    Now I multiply this...
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