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  1. Re: "Xara Designer Pro X" name STINKS. Here's why ...

    BINGO!! - Correct - ahhh, but too logical. So let's see, you sell the product as X365, DUH - doesn't it make sense to include this everywhere?

    Now as for the version number (return to my pix in...
  2. Re: "Xara Designer Pro X" name STINKS. Here's why ...

    [QUOTE=Acorn;557473]It is and that's why I added value by suggesting a solution to your migration difficulties.

    Thanks but it's a PITA doing this one at a time please. So if it is...
  3. Re: "Xara Designer Pro X" name STINKS. Here's why ...

    Isn't this a Xara forum?
  4. "Xara Designer Pro X" name STINKS. Here's why ...

    I sure as heck hope Xara can settle on one freaking name for the "X365" product. From the Xara Website ...


    And I think "X" stinks. Too little info. Here's an example I really dislike...
  5. OUCH ! - Designer Pro X365 - Publishing Profiles from X11 Missing!

    I'm a website designer and thus have a lot of unique publishing profiles for each of these websites. Imagine the surprise to find upon installing X365 that none of the former profiles setup in...
  6. Replies

    Re: JUST RELEASED! Xara Designer Pro X365

    Thanks to those who answered. IMO, I do prefer this new release to be a stand alone release and then I'd much prefer follow on updates get patched. Given the subscription model plus updates arriving...
  7. Replies

    Re: JUST RELEASED! Xara Designer Pro X365

    Three Questions -
    1. Is "ver 12" that's being mentioned same as Xara Designer Pro X365?

    2. Is X365 a self-contained, stand alone version? as were X10, X11, et all?

    3. Any idea if upon upgrade...
  8. Replies

    Re: Creating & applying Touch Icons

    Thank you very much for the effort you put into a very informative presentation!
  9. Replies

    Re: Typos in certain browsers

    This might possibly bail you out - IF THE OFFENDING TEXT IS LIMITED -
    For example, I often have a heading / banner / etc. using a font I have made Bold, and then Outlined. But, this font does NOT...
  10. Re: How to make changes to Desktop or Mobile Versions INDIVIDUALLY?

    I have to say i've done this for varying reasons. Sometimes it's space constraints where the Main variant fits rather nicely width wise, but the Mobile variant spills over and creates an extremely...
  11. Replies

    Re: Several domains for one website

    You probably know this ...
    I don't think page quantity will have as much of an impact as will the content on these pages. Think of it this way: lots and lots of empty plastic grocery store bags...
  12. Replies

    Re: Magnetic Snap Radii

    Maybe this will help ... When I needed greater precision, I created a: "New unit..." of measure: "mils".
    Go to: Utilities > Options > Units and:
    1. Select "New unit..."
    2. Give it the name...
  13. Re: Facebook Widget problem WD10 generating link only

    I created a placeholder and pasted your code into the HTML code (body) - this produced a textural link: "Larry Krause Music". Clicking on this link takes you to your Facebook page, but this is not a...
  14. Replies

    Re: Help! Site not working on mobile any more..!

    Using Google, it displays OK on my iPhone 5. On my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge using both Google as well as Webroot's SecureWeb browser, it opened with "Make a Short Film..." in very large text and with...
  15. Thread: Update corrupt?

    by CQDX

    Re: Update corrupt?

    So I tried once more to download over the past several days and could not. Woke up this a.m. and success! Finally it worked!
  16. Re: internal program error 1143.k.st.es in Xara Web Designer 10 Premium

    1. How big is the file?
    2. 32 bit or 64 bit OS?

    If I remember correctly, I'd get this with WD9 on a 32 bit machine when the file had a LOT of photos and the file size got up around 33/35MB (or...
  17. Replies

    Re: Several domains for one website

    Unless the website is HUGE with a lot of content that might load slowly, I'd publish the content to a single host and directory, and if the customer picks up the tab for the other domain names, I'd...
  18. Thread: Update corrupt?

    by CQDX

    Re: Update corrupt?

    It is 9:57 a.m. (GMT-5) here in Massachusetts on Friday, 2015-Dec-11 and I have multiple times experiernced this as well: "the update has been checked and is corrupt". It is not working for me,...
  19. Replies

    Re: Creating Forms and Xara Web exports

    Regardless ... what does Xara offer that is better? Anything? I believe nothing ... and Simfatic is way better than nothing, does a good job filling a need for complex forms, and does so cost...
  20. Replies

    Re: Creating Forms and Xara Web exports


    Don't know about others, but for me if $69 (US) solves a problem that otherwise would take me an hour or more to resolve, it has paid for itself right then and there. When a customer...
  21. Re: Search & Replace vs. Find & Replace - Bug? Removed Capabilty? I'm dumb?

    OK Folks, I received a reply from Xara. I replied with the following, somewhat tongue-in-cheek email, albeit surprised. So in part this is meant to put a humorous spin on what appears to be non-user...
  22. Replies

    Re: Creating Forms and Xara Webg exports

    I fully agree - integration between two excellent products is sometimes better than one product trying to be, as you said, "all things".
  23. Replies

    Re: Creating Forms and Xara Webg exports

    Jeez no way, LOL! Nothing as complicated as in your example. For Hosts running vDeck 4 Control Panel software, it is painless and far easier:

    1. Create a new mailbox on the host
    2. Select...
  24. Replies

    Re: Creating Forms and Xara Webg exports

    No need to apologize Gare ... being an Admin myself on a very large motorcycle forum, I know organization is key! I figured it ought to get moved, so included that note. Thanks for pitching in!
  25. Replies

    Re: What Xara Design Pro 11 is lacking - suggestions for next version

    Sorry for delay ... took me awhile to put together all the screen shots of the entire process. Hope it helps.

    The first picture shows using the Simfatic Form Tool Software. This is where you get...
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