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  1. Replies

    Re: Unable to Access Online Content

    Issue has been resolved thanks to help from Magix. I finally found a working email address to Magix to which I re sent my returned email. They responded very promptly with a link allowing me to...
  2. Replies

    Re: Unable to Access Online Content

    Yes I understand that re the external link, but it did show the content catalog items, whereas accessing from within Xara just shows a blank page later followed by a 504 error message.
  3. Replies

    Re: Unable to Access Online Content

    Was installed Aug 2021. The download link you gave does open but it shows everything as "Buy Now". I have had that before also. A few months ago I downloaded the OCC to my HD, but I now cannot...
  4. Replies

    Re: Accessing Xara On-line Content

    I already tried that several times with same result.
  5. Replies

    Unable to Access Online Content

    I have V18 but have never been able to download the online content catalog, as I have done in versions previous. Instead, I always get the message 132837

    Looks to me that Xara are trying to force...
  6. Re: error: Xara connection to ftp host has been lost and could not be re established

    Changed over to Cyberduck and was able to publish, even though settings in FileZilla matched Xara. Should mention that the FileZilla was a recent install on a newer laptop. My next step was going to...
  7. Re: error: Xara connection to ftp host has been lost and could not be re established

    . Results in reminder to enter host address and FTP username before manageing spacre
  8. error: Xara connection to ftp host has been lost and could not be re established

    Trying to publish website. On clicking "Explore webspace " this comes up: FTP folder does not exist do you want to create it. Click on yes and I get the above message. Am using File Zilla to...
  9. Re: Browser Choice not available in latest version 18.

    Thank you for that solution. Works great. I had done a search here under browser preview but nothing came up. Pity Xara did not show this significant change either in "help" or online manual. At...
  10. Browser Choice not available in latest version 18.

    In v17 and previous versions, when clicking on website preview, a screen showing installed browsers came up to allow viewing of website in different browsers. V18 does not give that choice and...
  11. Replies

    Re: Main Website fine, but variant is not

    Mobile version. when previewed is a mess, but the main site is fine. When I go to File/Export website from either Main or Mobile variants, both sites look fine. Meanwhile I will work on footer and...
  12. Replies

    Re: Main Website fine, but variant is not

    Website referred to is www.goldcanyonbnb.com Thanks
  13. Replies

    Main Website fine, but variant is not

    Site created using Xara Template works fine on pc with all browsers, but phone variant is a mess. It shows template original images and copy, which I had deleted or over written, when I set up my...
  14. Replies

    Re: Update from 17 to 18 activations exceeded

    I had written Magix and they took care of the issue. I now have v17 & v18 on both pc's. However, I am still not clear about what I think is a new policy as in the past I always had the current...
  15. Replies

    Re: Update from 17 to 18 activations exceeded

    I am confused as I now understand that I am now allowed either 2 versions on one computer or one on each. If that is so, then that is a newer policy as in the past I always had the then current...
  16. Replies

    Re: URL link not working on hosted website

    Tried Ctrl+F5 and it still opens ok in browser. I suspect the problem is with the hosting co as I have had many issues with them as they reply in a sort of "canned response" way with strange english...
  17. Replies

    Re: URL link not working on hosted website

    No that was really just to illustrate the format. The actual url is https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/2608078
  18. Replies

    URL link not working on hosted website

    URL link not working on hosted website, but works fine when previewed from Xara in all browsers. When I try clicking on it in any browser directly nothing happens. The url is https://www.etc etc.
  19. Replies

    Update from 17 to 18 activations exceeded

    I keep getting a nag screen urging me to update from v17 to v18. I downloaded and installed 18 while still keeping my v17. However, when I try to start V18 I get a message that I have exceeded the...
  20. Replies

    Text placeholder differs in ver

    In prior versions, when entering text I could just right click and outline a text box which resulted in text automatically flowing to next line. Now it keeps going to the right in one long line. I...
  21. Replies

    Re: Web preview has some pages shifted to side

    Wow, You guys are awesome, thanks so much for your help, it must have been around midnight in UK?
    I had tried changing to web doc & all files same, but I still got the righthand shift. I downloaded...
  22. Replies

    Re: Web preview has some pages shifted to side

    I am having this problem with two of the pages and have checked the placeholder properties and compared them with the one for the index page but cannot see any differences. If I select a single page...
  23. Replies

    Web preview has some pages shifted to side

    Now using DP ver 17 for new website which looks fine within Xara but when viewing through website preview there are 2 pages which shift to the right of the screen. The other pages are centered ok....
  24. Re: Upgrading-make sure you read the denomination properly !

    Thanks for the info but unfortunately I bought in Oct so cannot cancel and re purchase. Just checked your link and it all came up in English and showed amounts in US$. When I upgraded I believe I...
  25. Re: Upgrading-make sure you read the denomination properly !

    The only templates I have are the ones in the Design Gallery which look to me as the same ones I had in ver 16. I cannot see what advantage there has been in upgrading, as even the "improved"pdf"...
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