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  1. Replies

    Re: Xara Web Designer and pdf

    *BUMP* I have exactly the same question as the OP. This seems a good way. Since this thread was active in 2010 has anything changed or is the Zip file route the way? l've got Xara 11 Premium.
  2. Replies

    Blogger Outreach?

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this but can anyone recommend a similar company to what these people do?


    Searched for things like "Blogger outreach" but of...
  3. Replies

    Re: Online Backup - can you recommend any?

    Thanks for the reference Acorn. Sorry for the delay I got my old offline backup working again, then it stopped then I got it working again, so far. 5 years is good, I will consider JungleDisk. When...
  4. Replies

    Online Backup - can you recommend any?

    Can anyone recommend any good backup services? I am looking for incremental online + local backup for my work computer, not a website, just my own data for work. Services such as iDrive or Jungledisk.
  5. Replies

    Re: Website with not all pages for mobile

  6. Replies

    Re: Website with not all pages for mobile

    I decided to make some of those further pages mobile too, just not the ones with musical pieces on, are to complex or need big diagrams. With a statement on the content page that says "there's more...
  7. Replies

    Re: Website with not all pages for mobile

    Thanks for the input Egg. Good I'll do that, only mobile suitable pages will be linked to on the mobile version. I will keep that aforementioned contents page accessible on the mobile version with a...
  8. Replies

    Website with not all pages for mobile

    I'm working on mobile 640px and 480px versions of my orginally 955px desktop only website, but some of the webpages are not suited to 480px. That would be all of the pages linked here:...
  9. Re: JotForm not showing on Tablet and Mobile versions of site in WDP10

  10. JotForm not showing on Tablet and Mobile versions of site in WDP10

    I can get it to show up and function in the desktop version, but not the other two. I've tried copy and paste the HTML placeholder and entering the form separately on each version nothing works, the...
  11. Re: Thought on screen sizes for Tablets and Phones

    Thanks. Will bear all this in mind when using WD10. Am exited about making dynamic responsive websites.
  12. Re: Thought on screen sizes for Tablets and Phones

    I just meant what resolution was the maximum that could be achieved at that time if there is such a thing. I suppose it wouldn't be as much an issue with the screen treated as 320x480 and scaling...
  13. Replies

    Re: 1st Website opinions?

    No problem. Looking at your site I think there's loads of stuff you could make video of.
  14. Re: Thought on screen sizes for Tablets and Phones

    Complicated stuff, took a while getting my head around that. So a 320x480 image on an iPhone4 would only fill half the screens area (?)

    Would I be right in saying no computer has ever known the...
  15. Re: Thought on screen sizes for Tablets and Phones

    I have a feeling this is a stupid question but here goes: What if a phone came out with a 3.5 inch wide screen and 1100px resolution?
  16. Re: Thought on screen sizes for Tablets and Phones

    I'm learning about this recently. I'm thinking of making 3 versions for my website too, because the graphics & layout of my content would be compromised on tablet screens for a version that works on...
  17. Re: Mobile websites = new opportunity but not THE future?

    Thanks, V10 is probably what I'll use.
  18. Re: Mobile websites = new opportunity but not THE future?

    Thanks, I was wondering about this. I think the full version might be able to be made to work on a tablet but not a phone. I wasn't sure whether I needed (or that google preferred) my website dynamic...
  19. Replies

    Re: 1st Website opinions?

    You might find this interesting regarding video on landing pages:

    "Video should be used on your landing pages whenever possible. It provides a passive engagement medium where visitors can...
  20. Mobile websites = new opportunity but not THE future?

    Just got the email from google saying my website has 100% mobile compatibility issues.

    "These pages will not be seen as mobile-friendly by Google Search, and will therefore be displayed and...
  21. Replies

    Re: New EU VAT law affects small business

    You can say that again. The law is a bit ambiguous too, as far as I can tell I'd not be liable but who knows. Here's a list of digital fulfillment services that deal with it for people who sell...
  22. Re: Floating Search - is there such a thing? (bit like floating social buttons)

    Hey Boy thanks!

    Thanks for the info Gary, I'll have a sit down and good look at this.
  23. Replies

    New EU VAT law affects small business

    It's a new law coming in Jan 1st 2015 that sales of digital products to EU countries will have to charge VAT according to the country of the customer. This law is supposed to deal with the issue of...
  24. Floating Search - is there such a thing? (bit like floating social buttons)

    I'm interested in adding a search button to every (or most) page(s) of my website. I looked at the google one but it's hard to see where I could put it, as it has a white background and much of the...
  25. Replies

    Re: First bash using Xara.

    When I used templates Z-card was my favourite choice. I didn't see the Background you must have removed it but as the business is about efficient renewable energy perhaps you could use a simple...
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