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  1. Replies

    Re: Time Limit for Editing Posts.

    Okay, that makes sense. I did that in another thread actually. Rather than individually reply to everyone I copied my replies with the quotes and put them all in one to not spam the thread.
  2. Replies

    Re: Time Limit for Editing Posts.

    Oh okay, much appreciated! I was simply curious.
  3. Replies

    Re: Time Limit for Editing Posts.

    Apologies, I thought I put it in my OP, is there a reason for the time limit?
  4. Replies

    Time Limit for Editing Posts.

    As I understand it there is a time limit for editing a post. I posted in another thread and I realized later there was something I
    needed to add and I wanted to edit the post but there was no...
  5. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    That's the same thing I'm seeing. I've tried Xara, Inkscape, and PDN to try viewing it but they didn't work. My father and I did a search and found this.
    As far as three examples of games I play;...
  6. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    Well, for gaming, I do a bit of variety besides platform and Fortnite/pokemon, I never got into those. Now, my thing is, I'm not sure if you know what it is but, I have aphantasia.
    To put it simply...
  7. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    I used the images you provided on google and youtube. I cleaned them up a bit and made them transparent.
    they're a bit small but you can make it out.

    134699 134698
  8. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    I will definitely be looking into that but this one is really cool!

    But you make the statement you can't stop? I've got something for you then, lol.
  9. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    I grabbed the source file for the first one but I don't see a source file for the second one.
  10. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    I really like that! It's giving 80's vibes and I love it! I can definitely use these somewhere!
  11. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    Yeah, not what I’m looking for and they’re definitely a bit… out there. Lol My dad said it looks like Michael Meyers behind me in the second one.
    I took a quick look at Mr. Frendaks website and I...
  12. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    Yeah, the thing is to do this myself, I never in a million years expected it to be free. If it was, that was great and a bonus but I knew somewhere down the line it would cost something.
    I'll be...
  13. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    Those all look incredible and there's actually one in particular my dad and I agree that looks really good! I've attached it so you know which one I'm talking about. But thats in the realm of what...
  14. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    That is in realm of what I'm looking for, what app is that?
  15. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    These are all great options and came out looking pretty decent but my main issue with the image I originally posted was my shirt. Otherwise, the cartoon image came out great!
    It's as simple as in...
  16. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    Exactly! I dont need the background of the photo, just a cartoon that I can add to!
  17. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    Yeah, I just started messing with Leonardo and wow, is that fussy. It's not bad but it's not really what I'm looking for though.
  18. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    Neither of them is awful but if you're talking about the comparison I posted, the one on the left looks like me, and the one on the
    right makes me look too manly, or as my dad so eloquently put it,...
  19. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    Yeah, I mean, I did already in a round-about way already post a photo of myself here so I'd be happy to post it in case anyone else wants to mess around and turn me into a cartoon, but if anyone is...
  20. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    I can relate just by what I learned to do with Davinci Resolve. It's just as fiddly and repetitive to get something to look and sound just right but to be honest, I actually kind of enjoy it.
  21. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    I just figured there was no harm in asking because, according to my father programs like adobe have plugins you can use for, as he puts it, cartoonisizing images.
    And for the caricature programs, I...
  22. Re: Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    I dont mind if you want to try it, as a matter of fact, I'd be willing to pay a fee if need be. As far as the AI sites I wouldn't know where to start.
    I've taken several pictures and I already have...
  23. Can I take a photograph and make it a cartoon image?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this because it is off topic but I also have a question about Xara itself.
    I've paid for an online inexpensive graphics service and the first image...
  24. Replies

    Re: Never tried Green Screen ie;Chroma Key

    These look awesome and I'll definitely be putting these tips into effect in the future! Thanks for all the help and the all the tips, greatly appreciate all of it! :D
  25. Replies

    Re: Never tried Green Screen ie;Chroma Key

    Oh, you mean like my father! LOL Thanks, I greatly appreciate it, my dad and I spent so much time searching the web and we couldn't find it.
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