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  1. Xara Designer Pro X 18 Update: Pro X DL x64 Jan 10 2022 ???

    Is there anything posted in the forum regarding what this update fixed or improved upon?
    I went to Help > More Xara Designer Pro X > Support pages for version 18 and didn't see anything for this...
  2. Replies

    Re: SmartField request

    I overlooked Insert > Page Number . . . (embarrassing).
  3. Replies

    SmartField request

    I am using Xara Designer Pro X ( DL x64 Aug 11 2021)

    I'd like to suggest adding the following to the SmartField list:


  4. Re: iPad: anyone tried storing and viewing a WebPage on an iPad?

    Yes, i am aware of the choice to use PDFs. However, webpages can offer other features/advantages and exporting and publishing them are basically 1-step processes. That is why I am investigating...
  5. iPad: anyone tried storing and viewing a WebPage on an iPad?

    I published a webpage folder onto my PC's harddrive.
    Then I copied it to my iCloud account.
    Then, in the Folders app on my iPad, I copied it down to its On My iPad location.

    My objective is to...
  6. Re: Pro Designer X 18: Bug with Exporting to SVG

    The toobar developer who used the problematic SVG file noticed the same issues.
    When I ungrouped the sublevel grouping and then exported the SVG the problem was resolved.
  7. Replies

    Re: Export Web Document

    Thank You, Thank You, and Thank You Acorn! =D>

    The links I posted in my initial post didn't contain "index.htm" after the "/". The links did work when Publishing but not automatically when...
  8. Replies

    Export Web Document

    I am about to create a simple web site. As well as Publishing Web Document, I would like to Export Web Document.
    Publishing Web Document works fine.
    I have done some test runs and Export Web...
  9. Re: Pro Designer X 18: Bug with Exporting to SVG

    I also noticed that in Windows Explorer that the thumbnail is displayed wrong,
    but if I double-click on the thumbnail then in what I think is the Window's native viewer, it is displayed correctly....
  10. Pro Designer X 18: Bug with Exporting to SVG

    I am creating icon-graphics for buttons used for a application toolbar to be used in Windows and MacOS; SVG for Windows and PDF for MacOS.

    I have been making these graphics for the last few years...
  11. Designer ProX 18: Import PDF, specify the pages to import and apply as separate pages

    I just installed ProX 18.

    As a test, I tried to import the users manual PDF file which has a lot of pages. I only wanted to import a couple pages.
    Also when a few pages began to import, each...
  12. Designer ProX 18: Smart Duplication, a means to specify the distance between objects

    I just installed the latest version 18.

    I didn't see where I could Smart Duplicate a selected object(s) and copying it a predetermined distance.

    In Options > General, could the distance...
  13. Re: Provide an SVG color palette in a next release

    Thank you
  14. Re: Provide an SVG color palette in a next release

    Wrong value for MediumBlue. Should be RGB: 0,0,205 (HEX 0000ff).
    Can you update the file you posted please?

    Please remove the files I posted (which have an error in them)...
  15. Re: Provide an SVG color palette in a next release


    I took and saved your test PAL file into the PALETTES Subdirectory (Programs/Xara/Palettes ). It loaded automatically when I start Xara and is displayed in the Color Gallery. See...
  16. Re: Provide an SVG color palette in a next release

    You are welcome, Gary.
  17. Re: Provide an SVG color palette in a next release

    Can anyone convert this text file to a .PAL and post it here?

  18. Re: Provide an SVG color palette in a next release

    Here is a XaraFile of the SVG Palette.


    It is organized into 3 side-by-side text frames with tab stops and hard line returns.
    - Each line has the SVG ColorName, its RGB values, and a...
  19. Re: Provide an SVG color palette in a next release

    " . . . why not build up you own from these: https://www.december.com/html/spec/colorsvghex.html?"

    Funny you should mention that. I found the same website yesterday when seaching for an RGB/SVG...
  20. Provide an SVG color palette in a next release

    I have been creating UI icons. I have to create a PDF version for MAC users and SVG for Windows users.
    I'd like to use SVG accepted colors only.
    The icons are used in toolbars in which each...
  21. Replies

    V 16.3 Color Editor

    The color editor field for the HexCode is not quite wide enough horizontally to contain all of the Hex's 6-characters.

    In the attached example, the last character was mistaken to be a "t" when it...
  22. Email link in WebPage. Question regarding Windows 10

    I have a laptop running Windows 10.

    I opened one of my PDF files that I created with Xara. It contains a link to my email.
    When I click on that link, it opens a new email in Windows 10 Email,...
  23. Re: Latest Pro Update? Where to find what was updated?

    Never mind, I found the link

    Still wish there was a link in the Help Menu.
  24. Latest Pro Update? Where to find what was updated?

    I just updated to DL x64 Jun 5 2019.

    So, other that here, is there a link to documentation to find out the changes since the previous update?
    I see that the Web support online has...
  25. Re: HELP autoinstall of XaraPro has corrupted all Xara versions on my PC

    I did both of the two suggestions. It was IT WORKED!
    The number of digits was at 0 (zero); I changed it to 3.

    Thank you so much.

    If you are ever plan on being in the Portland, Oregon...
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