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  1. Replies

    Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    It all sounds very promising: more capital, more marketing, more distribution. It seems to be a radically different deal from the old Corel deal, so we don't need to entertain such worries. I'll be...
  2. Replies

    Re: Photoshop Vector Smart Objects

    The Smart Objects in Photoshop can be both vector and bitmap. On opening such a PSD file with both vector and bitmap Smart Objects in XXP, it turns out that these layers are imported -- but are both...
  3. Replies

    Re: Spell Check in X-Pro

    Thankfully! That's a typical El Bloato feature and the last thing we need more of -- for every Windows graphics user probably has 4-5-6 spell checkers installed already, built into our email apps,...
  4. Re: How do I hold the integrity of CMYK colors in and out of XXP?

    Much as I love XX, both old and new versions (since CorelXara 1.1 in 1995), I've repeatedly found so many problems with all-pure-CMYK work in XX that I've totally dropped it. For years, I've only...
  5. Replies

    Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    WOW! Very welcome PRO additions indeed!

    Brief Question: Xara's info webpage for XXPro lists "alpha channel, 16-bit color" for PSD. But on opening even the simplest 16-bit color PSD I only get the...
  6. Re: PS action/script which imports files to layers?

    Thanks, folks! I also found this JavaScript for PS


    -- which also works nicely. So I'm pretty well covered with...
  7. Poll: Re: How long have you been using Xara products?

    In the summer of 1995, after trying the free demo CD for only a few hours, I bought a copy of CorelXara. After using it for a day or two I, faxed a "fan mail" to Xara! So I have been a Xaran for 11...
  8. Re: PS action/script which imports files to layers?

    Aha! Sounds like my kind of solution -- thank you, Sark!

    And yes, it's one of those "obvious" features which really should be in Photoshop CS2.
  9. Replies

    Re: Xara X1 100% CPU with Fonts Gallery

    Hi Gerry, thanks for clarifying this! In my quickie-tests it seemed it was all fixed in Xtreme, much to my relief.

    Hi Egg, yes I am still around, but I mostly only lurk here and very irregularly...
  10. PS action/script which imports files to layers?

    I need a PS action/script which does the exact opposite of what the File: Scripts: Export Layers to Files does -- namely to import all the files in a folder and make each file a new layer in one...
  11. Replies

    Re: Xara X1 100% CPU with Fonts Gallery

    The fix has been released: Xara Xtreme. That terrible 100% CPU usage existed for many years in the previous versions, but XX fixed it.
  12. Replies

    Re: Xara Xtreme 2.0f patch released

    My CD version is 2.0a -- and this 2.0f patch refuses to work, giving me this error:
    Xara Xtreme Update Program
    This program cannot update...
  13. Thread: X²?

    by Klaus Nordby

    Re: X²?

    WOW! That's wonderful news! Way to go, Charles & Crew!
  14. Re: XaraX2 request for Charles Moir: re:eps import

    Maybe an approach like in Illustrator could be a good idea: you set the document's global color space to _either_ RGB _or_ CMYK, with no possibilitiy of mixing the two modes later. In XX, there is no...
  15. Re: XaraX2 request for Charles Moir: re:eps import

    Brilliant as XX is as an illustration tool, I long ago gave up using it for anything pertaning to printing and CMYK work. It's great for all kinds of RGB art, but for CMYK -- and related print...
  16. Re: XaraX2 request for Charles Moir: re:eps import

    Ross, I ONLY spoke against PDF import. ONLY that. I never said a word about EPS. And why opposing that Xara spend coding resources on such a somewhat esoteric function as PDF import should be...
  17. Re: XaraX2 request for Charles Moir: re:eps import

    Guys, let's cut Xara and Charles some slack here. PostScript/PDF is darmn harrrrrrrrrrrrd stuff, technically, and Xara is a small company with modest coding resources. I would MUCH rather have XX2...
  18. XX1: how to get rid of that annoying left-behind outline?

    My XX1 didn't use to be like this, but it is now (after an OS reinstall): whenever I move an object, an annoying left-behind outline always appears, after a quarter of a second or so. It's...
  19. Replies

    Re: SketchUp - 3d for the rest of us

    Version5 anti-aliasing is much improved. It is hardware dependent though and so you must go into the program's preferences and choose from options related to your graphics card.

    I know, Ross, I...
  20. Replies

    Re: SketchUp - 3d for the rest of us

    Yes, Ross, I quite agree -- SketchUp is great. And I am a man who genererally hates ALL 3D apps! The only exception I make is to Xara 3D, which is also easy and pleasant for us 2D-folks.

  21. Replies

    Re: Kudos to Anthony

    Anthony and Jerry, I'm very pleased to have both of you working so hard for me --and even for free! :-) It looks quite promising, I will probably visit TG more often from now on.
  22. Replies

    100% OLE objects? You're not importing them from...

    100% OLE objects? You're not importing them from disk? OLE is very dangerous crap, I never ever resort to that.
  23. Maya, Cary Grant is one of my three all-time...

    Maya, Cary Grant is one of my three all-time favorite movie stars -- along with Jimmy Stewart and Katharine Hepburn. Put them all toghether with a dynamite script -- and you have "The Philiadelphia...
  24. Maya, I'm with you regarding "The Trouble With...

    Maya, I'm with you regarding "The Trouble With Harry"! A very odd, charming movie, one of my favorite Hitchcock movies. Ah, those were the days -- when Real Movies were still made, not just...
  25. Replies

    Ross, Ollie Cornes -- the original author of...

    Ross, Ollie Cornes -- the original author of Xara's excellent Help -- left the company about five years ago. Whether he was in discgrace or not I do not know, but I miss Ollie at Xara, as he was an...
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