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  1. Re: Mobile Website Menu not Working on iPhone Only

    Yes! Of course! I should have thought of that! I will remember that for the next time my file is too large to upload here. Thanks for the great suggestion, Vortilon.
  2. Re: Mobile Website Menu not Working on iPhone Only

    Ahhh, well, if the republished site is working correctly then I guess there's nothing else I need to do. (Previously, even after clearing my browser cache, the site was working fine for me - desktop...
  3. Re: Mobile Website Menu not Working on iPhone Only

    Hi Egg, I tried clearing the server directory and republishing... how does it look for you now? Any difference?
  4. Re: Mobile Website Menu not Working on iPhone Only

    I looked at the mobile menu and saw no overlapping... I turned on the wire-frame view and still, there is nothing there showing overlapping. :confused: I'm not sure how you're getting that result......
  5. Re: Mobile Website Menu not Working on iPhone Only

    I tried zipping the file, but it only compressed by 1 MB. :(
  6. Re: Mobile Website Menu not Working on iPhone Only

    Sorry, I've been MIA the last few days. My client has reported that the menu is still not working for him and others that have tested it. He stated, "The menu does create a drop-down list of pages...
  7. Re: Mobile Website Menu not Working on iPhone Only

    Thanks, Gary. That is the link to the site... https://jbwroughtiron.com.au. Like I said, it works for me on an Android... I'm not sure why it's not working for him...
  8. Mobile Website Menu not Working on iPhone Only

    I've just updated a client's website. The menu is not responding on the client's iPhone... he says that "it just stays on the Home page." I do not own an iPhone, but the mobile menu works as it...
  9. Replies

    Re: Change Document to Web page

    Fantastic! Thanks so much to both of you! I can see the merit in both approaches and saving both responses in my "tool box". Much appreciated!
  10. Re: Remove "Powered by Xara" from Web Document online

    That's it!!! Thanks so much, Acorn! Nice, easy fix!
  11. Remove "Powered by Xara" from Web Document online

    I've created a web document. When it's viewed after being exported, it says "Powered by Xara" in the upper left corner. I'm using Designer Pro X 18. I'm wondering if I need to convert the document...
  12. Replies

    Change Document to Web page

    How do I convert a document into a web page? I know I should know this! :rolleyes: TIA
  13. Replies

    Re: Mobile menu not working for iPhone

    @Egg - Thanks for taking a look at it. Yeah, the website is being updated page by page. The menu works fine on other devices... just not the iPhone.

    @gwpriester - Thank you for taking a look at...
  14. Replies

    Re: Mobile menu not working for iPhone

    Thanks so much for the quick response. Here is the web address: http://jbwi.com.au. We did try the menu on an iPhone that had never been to the website, as well as on an iPhone thats cache had been...
  15. Replies

    Mobile menu not working for iPhone

    I have re-designed a client's home page for his business website. It has one mobile variant - sized for cell phones. The menu (hamburger) drops down, shows the menu items, and even changes colors...
  16. Replies

    Re: Page Load Speed - SEO issues

    Thanks so much, Egg, for your frank and very helpful response. I have passed it on to the client and we'll see what they decide to do. (As well, I will be working on fixing my designer logo! lol)
  17. Replies

    Page Load Speed - SEO issues

    Hi All,

    I have created a website for a client using Xara Designer Pro X. Their SEO Marketing team has run a GTmetrix report (attached) and wants answers to the questions below. I do not have a...
  18. Automatic Reveal Popup Layer that is Intentionally Closeable

    Hi All,

    I need a layer to open automatically when the website is accessed but can be closed after viewing. I do not want to have to trigger it for reveal without being able to intentionally close...
  19. Replies

    Re: Graphic over Slider issue

    Once again, you guys have saved the day! Thanks so much Chris M and Acorn! Greatly appreciated!
  20. Replies

    Graphic over Slider issue

    I have a logo (transparent background) overlaying a Xara slider. When the slider moves on to the next slide the logo's background now has the background of the first slide it overlaid. It keeps this...
  21. Replies

    Re: Fuzzy graphics and fonts

    Thanks Guys... sigh... I know - what a newbie mistake! You'd never guess I've been a Xara user since 1999! Ugh. I do appreciate the help! That did the trick!
  22. Replies

    Fuzzy graphics and fonts

    Hi All - just wondering why fonts and graphics are fuzzy. I'm thinking that with the graphics it's because the site is being stretched to fit the screen... but why the fonts? I thought the fonts were...
  23. Re: Bug/Conflict - MouseOver Animation Links to Popup (with Sticky Objects)

    Thank you for following up our conversation with this. So many issues... so little time! I appreciate yours (time)! Thanks!
  24. Replies

    Re: Link text on popup layer

    Very nice, Gary! Thank you! I like both ideas, but like that slim bar at the top best. I think I will give that a try and make a case with the client for more 'real estate' space! Thanks so much for...
  25. Replies

    Re: Link text on popup layer

    @Initiostar & @Acorn - Ok, so the menu bars look great and are functioning when I open them, but as soon as I apply sticky the mouseover function works still but does not allow me to click on the...
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