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  1. Replies

    Re: Fit page to drawing?

    I haven't used Xara in a while but just upgraded to 6. There's an easier way, just go to the File menu, select Open and navigate to your uv and open it.
  2. Re: Petition For More Vector Tools for XX6 ... No Discussion Just Sign

  3. Replies

    Re: Recent Xara group show on Photozoom

    Thanks Steve,

    And congratulations again, on a really cool painting!
  4. Replies

    Re: Recent Xara group show on Photozoom

    Steve, I really like your sharks. How did you do the textures? Thanks!
  5. Replies

    Re: XaReg update available on XaraXone

    Thanks a lot for all your hard work on this Bill and Steve... much appreciated!
  6. Replies

    Re: XaReg: another Xara X(treme) Registry tool.

    Hi Bill,

    If this value is set to 1, and you have nothing selected, then select the transparency tool, and select a transparency (like stained glass) you get a dialog box and can select "set" for...
  7. Replies

    Re: XaReg: another Xara X(treme) Registry tool.

    Thanks for your reply Bill, that indeed was the link I meant... great to see that it was already incorporated (I didn't realize it was the same settings).

    Thank again for you work on this for all...
  8. Replies

    Re: XaReg: another Xara X(treme) Registry tool.

    Thanks a lot for this useful tool Bill! It makes most of the changes that I use.

    In addition I use the following settings for my configuration and would be grateful if you could incorporate...
  9. Replies

    Re: New Fill Gallery Proposal/Design

    Thanks for your support MarkMyWord, lets hope the powers that be take some action on this.
  10. Re: Gallery Request: Can XaraXtreme learn from DrawPlus X2?

    The problem with this is that you can not set the "dark" color of contones for bitmap images, and you need to go back to options and select "show menu". I think a useful change to the right click...
  11. Replies

    Re: Layer Inadequacy

    I could not agree more Red. That would be so cool!
  12. Re: Gallery Request

    Thanks Keith! That does the trick...
  13. Re: Gallery Request: Can XaraXtreme learn from DrawPlus X2?

    Thanks MarkMyWords. I agree with most of what you say. I too love Xara and my comments surely are not an attack. I just want it better.

    Thanks Bill and Steve for your comments.
  14. Re: Gallery Request: Can XaraXtreme learn from DrawPlus X2?

    When I was looking for a new drawing program, having used several versions of AI and hating it, Expression 3 until MS bought and sat on it for over a year and a half (and then removing most of the...
  15. Re: Gallery Request: Can XaraXtreme learn from DrawPlus X2?

    Thanks for replying Bill.

    I don't want Xara to be like DrawPlus, Xara is a much better app. There are just somethings that are really awkward about the galleries in Xara, and if addressed, would...
  16. Re: Gallery Request: Can XaraXtreme learn from DrawPlus X2?

    Thanks for viewing and your reply John.
  17. Re: Gallery Request: Can XaraXtreme learn from DrawPlus X2?

    Thanks Steve...

    The posts were not meant to showcase DrawPlus but as requests for additions to Xara with graphic displays as to how another app accomplishes these features. I like Xara much...
  18. Re: Gallery Request

    Thanks John, I was more interested in the angle aspect and the ability to return the object to it's original rotation position. And returning the rotation point to the center of the object. You...
  19. Re: Gallery Request

    In addition see my April 6th thread:

    New Fill Gallery Proposal/Design

    Thanks for viewing
  20. Object Rotation

    I'd like to see the following in Xara. When an object is selected in DrawPlus X2, there is a circle in the center of the object, which is its rotation point. This rotation point can be repositioned,...
  21. Object/Group Creation

    DrawPlus X2 has some interesting object and group creation and selection functions. These small work flow and interface changes enhances the user experience and gives the application an added feeling...
  22. Re: Gallery Request

    I'd really like to see a Swatches Gallery in Xara. The Swatches Gallery Tab contains gradient fills, color fills and bitmap fills that you can apply to a drawing object. It combines Xara's Fill and...
  23. Re: Gallery Request

    DrawPlus X2 has an Effects Gallery that I would love to see in Xara. This gallery contains effects/styles that can be applied to any drawing object. An effect can include texture, shadow, bevel,...
  24. Gallery Request: Can XaraXtreme learn from DrawPlus X2?

    DrawPlus X2 has some really cool features that I'd love to see in Xara. Xara's galleries are one of its weakest points and really detracts from an otherwise excellent program. The work flow of...
  25. Replies

    Re: Layer Inadequacy

    In addition to the features mentioned I'd also like to add:

    Create a New Layer or Copy a Layer without a dialog box coming up first (or allow the user to define this action in Options or the...
Results 1 to 25 of 115
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