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  1. Re: Publish one page at a time with in the website

    gw..again thanks..I wish I would have come by here 653 hours ago..lol. you've been more than helpful both of you. I think that ^ ^ is what i'll do sir. I shouldn't have any trouble with it, have a...
  2. Re: Publish one page at a time with in the website

    Drwyd thanks for asking, yes I do! That doesn't seem to matter for some reason. really i've tried many things and feel a separate store page with links back to it may be my easiest and fastest fix....
  3. Re: Publish one page at a time with in the website

    Gary, many thanks Sir, that is something I had been considering. Do you think it would be possible to transfer the html store page I currently have on my server to a sepaarate folder on my server? My...
  4. Publish one page at a time with in the website

    I'm not sure you'll understand that title so let me clarify, first off you guys have always been so helpful, I appreciate your time and dedication and thank you. I've modderated other forums for 15...
  5. Replies

    Re: Importing old Website

    Thanks again GW, I have started from scratch but I have all the page html files thus I can open them and copy text etc. the most helpful thing is my site is still live, and I am opening it in one...
  6. Replies

    Re: Importing old Website

    Gary thanks so much, and for sugesting starting from scratch. I did start from scratch with a new index page, I did download the first page and most of the images and text came thru. The text had...
  7. Replies

    Re: Importing old Website

    Grim thanks so much for posting this question, I too am in the ame situation. I've tried opening my old site from Vs 6 in Vs 9 and am having troubles. I can open single pages and edit them but not...
  8. Re: Looking for someone to take over a few sites. I need help.

    Thanks again Talk Graphic..what a wonderful response. I found someone to take over my sites. Everyone thanks bunches for your help, Jeff
  9. Replies

    Re: eBook formatting for Kindle

    Jon404 thank you so much for the excelent info you have provided, everyone else as well. I am considering publishing a photography book, certainly the old BnW Kindles won't do it any justice. What...
  10. Re: Looking for someone to take over a few sites. I need help.

    Jim thank you so much for the interest. I am in contact with Chris who replied first to my request. I you don't mind I'd like to see how that goes and I will keep your information and contact you if...
  11. Looking for someone to take over a few sites. I need help.

    I have 2 sites created in Adobe Page Mill, and 1 site created in Webstyle 4 that I host and manage on a virtual server. A 4th I host only, created in PageMill, they manage and make changes to it....
  12. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    For anyone following this thread, the issue has been resolved, many thanks to Bill for his help in getting that done. The problem was with my server and my CSS files not being properly served there....
  13. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    Bill YES the last changes I made to the site were the 27th. Yes I'll email you..Thanks buddy..Jeff
  14. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    Bill many thanks for your promt reply, nothing after this post:
    "What I did, I cleaned the server of all files. I worked on the site all morning, 6 hours. Some of my pages were custom size, I made...
  15. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    I am still waiting to hear back from Xara on the issue. I updated to IE-8 today, the website looks fine in it. The website looks fine when previewing in Xara web designer, but still in Safari it has...
  16. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    Bill a big thank you again my friend. Hey I did see my changes yesterday, I'm sorry if I confused you, sometimes I'm not the best communicator in type! I saw the changes on the web, everything looked...
  17. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    Bill my friend, thank you again for sticking with me buddy! Anybody else you're welcome to join in and help is appreciated greatly.
    What I did, I cleaned the server of all files. I worked on the...
  18. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    Bill I have done just that, uploaded many times with updates, but I also cleared the server an reloaded couple weeks ago, I will try it again this morning, before 9AM PST if you will look for me and...
  19. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    Bill many thanks buddy for your help, uploading that image took time, very special of you. Hey I hope this is the file you like to see. I'm not sure I'm uploading the site correctly or not to my...
  20. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    Just an early morning bump, plea for help, anyone //thanks Jeff
  21. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    OK I've gone in and looked at the site in Webdesigner, it appeared fine, I previewed it and it appeared fine, I exported it to my backup drive and also saved it in designer. I transferred all the...
  22. Replies

    Re: Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    Mike..and everybody many thanks for your help. But Mike what you suggest may be over my head? I might open the site back up in Xara and try to see if I can find anything there, then upload it to the...
  23. Replies

    Possible Browser Issue? Help Please..

    My friends I've just finished my first site with Web Designer 6. I built many with an antique version of Adobe Page Mill and am planning on updating all of those with Xara. So far I'm very happy with...
  24. Replies

    Disabling Image Downloads

    I am a photographer using Xara Extreme and Web Designer. I'm interested in finding if either of my programs has a feature that would prevent image downloads from the sites I build? I've looked...
  25. Replies

    Re: JPEG Banner needs to link to a website

    Thanks you all for lending this rookie a helping hand. Very nice friendly forum here. I have this figured out thanks to your posts..DD
Results 1 to 25 of 27
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