1 Attachment(s)
Re: Quiet Time
Attachment 94292
CAD produces a vector drawing that is not compatible with Xara. Therefore, I make a screenshot of the CAD drawing and paste/size it in Xara where the necessary lines are then traced to form vector objects that can be edited into their final form.
The above drawing shows the original CAD drawing. It contains additional information because the original was rendered in another medium. But you can see the basis is there to be traced in Xara. Additional items such as the glasses were also added to produce the final picture.
Re: Quiet Time
Interesting, it seems to me like an unnecessary step, and double the work. If you can trace that with Xara it seems to me like you could eliminate the CAD step altogether, and go for it without using CAD. Granted there may be something I'm not quite understanding here.
Re: Quiet Time
I really like this type of work as it gets my imagination working. It has a very calming affect on me.
The effort in supplying the details of the objects is what really works for me.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Re: Quiet Time
Thanks for the comments.
Wizard509, when I say that an original line drawing was done in CAD and edited in Xara, I do not necessarily mean that the CAD drawing was done yesterday and then traced in Xara. The drawings posted here were made in the past for other purposes with no thought of Xara. Only recently have I begun to look through the CDs and imagine how Xara might give a few new life.
Re: Quiet Time
Thanks lagman. That sheds a new light on the situation. I'm glad you cleared it up, makes sense now.
Re: Quiet Time
Hi iagman
Thank you for your explanation, I was just curious and I know I understand that you traced it in xara from an old Cad drawing that you had. But I am still wondering about the shadow on the wall. It is great creative content for picture and makes the viewer think a bit if they notice that it looks like a person holding their head on their hand. Is this what it is ? But then I assume that the candle is the only light source in the room so how does that shadow get over there on the wall behind the candle ?
Re: Quiet Time
I think the shadow is someone looking for their glasses... or maybe crying because he has lost his glasses.
“Hey buddy, they are on the table near the candle.”
Re: Quiet Time
Tabian, Or perhaps he is putting in contacts since he lost his glasses.
a4hire, art is sometimes like movies- it requires a willing suspension of disbelief. Two greats, Picasso and Dail could never had their best works lauded without this.
You wrote, “...makes the viewer think a bit if they notice that it looks like a person holding their head on their hand...”
Identifying the book is key to understanding the background action.
Could what you see as shadow be a silhouette instead? If so, how would that change your perception of a possible light source?
Re: Quiet Time
The more I look at this picture the less relevant the technicalities appear to be, saying that though the qualities of the candle are quite outstanding. Overall though this picture tells more of a story than you would assume at first sight.
Re: Quiet Time
Well done, beautiful piece of work.