How many people have your name (US Only)
I came across this site while trying to find out how many people had a certain last name.
There are 14 people named Gary Priester
- There are 4,233 people in the U.S. with the last name Priester.
- Statistically the 8339th most popular last name.
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
Guess I am not as unique as I thought. :D
People with first name "Bill" 175,167
People with last name "Taylor" 835,293 statistically the 13th most common last name.
468 people named Bill Taylor
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
Wow. That's even more common than Carter, Mary's last name.
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
There are fewer than 1,564 people in the U.S. with the first name Rik.
There are 1,386 people in the U.S. with the last name Datta.
There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Rik Datta.
Statistically the 20599th most popular last name.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
My Dad always said there are more Taylors than there are white people. ;)
Picture is Mom, Dad, and me.
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
I've got you beat on the first name Bill, astonishingly there are 586,496 people in the US named with the first name "Frances"
On my last though there are only 48,215 Proctors.
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
Oh dear
With only two people with both my names, it looks like I'm just about as popular as Rik. Perhaps the pair of us should just sit this one out, or go out into the garden and eat worms. Even if I use the popular version of my name, that still only give 5 people. Mind you, since I'm up here in Canada, that means there is at least one more in North America since I am not included in the statistiques. Right now I am trying to decide if I should be elated because I am so rare or depressed cause I'm so unpopular.
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
Well you could change the "i" to an "e" ;))
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
The site indicates there are possibly 4 people in the US with my Dad's first name if any at all.
His first name was Lum. Scot for chimney according to google search.
Re: How many people have your name (US Only)
Thanks, Gary
That's interesting.
There won't be anyone with a more popular first name. :)
My last name is the 111th most popular. Almost 4,000 people with the same name as I have.
I believe this. I got a (governmental) job in 1989 and when I started there, there were already TWO James Alexander's. One was my Father, but still I thought it was strange that someone else had my exact same name, in the same town, working at the same place!
I didn't meet him until later when he told me that he got teased at work because they would announce awards that were given out and would mention HIS name, but then they would mention MY division. He always felt like they had given him an award in the first half of the sentence and had taken it away in the second half!